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  Thursday, 19 July 2007

It's been ages since I've had a chance to go out for a kite buggy. One reason is that my favourite place to buggy in the winter, the Wakapuaka sand flats is now off-limits to kite buggys. For years it's been a designated land-yachting and kite buggying area but now, suddenly, its a wildlife reserve (which the hippy in me has to respect). So I go there to do my kite aerial photography but have to go further afield to go for a buggy. Another reason is that this winter has seen some strange winds around here. Usually the prevailing winds come from the SW in the winter and northerly sea-breezes in the summer, but this winter it's been almost constant east to south-east. Easterly winds are coming off the land and are horribly gusty and dangerous to fly big kites in. Still, it'll be spring soon and the northerlies will return (I hope).

The other day the boys at Kiteworks sent this through, which has just made my yearning to fly even worse....

5:23:32 PM    Comment []

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