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  Sunday, 6 January 2008

Preparing for winter

A PAP (pole aerial photograph) of my front yard this afternoon as I prepare firewood for winter. Most of it is old dry apple tree wood from orchards that have been cleared to make way for vineyards to service the booming wine industry here. Waste not want not. There's some knotty old, very dry macrocarpa from last year, and a little bit of poplar that the council workers cut down from under the powerlines across the river. It feels good to have the whole porch lined with bone dry, split wood ready for the winter. I think I've got enough for two winters there.

8:52:54 PM    Comment []

A quick kite flight over Miyazu Japanese Gardens yesterday afternoon yielded this image. I was using a new kite aerial photography rig I have recently completed which has the ability to send a still image of the cameras screen to a hand-held controller on the ground (a modified Gameboy console) making it a little easier to aim at subjects like this. The image received from the air is low-res but you could certainly make out large contrasting features, like the yin-yang symbol here.

I kind of like the small dilemma the image poses. Which path will you choose?

Which path will you choose?

10:32:49 AM    Comment []

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Last update: 5/10/2008; 2:13:32 p.m. .

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