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  Saturday, 5 April 2008

Campsite at Lake Tutira

Just north of Napier is little lake Tutira. It was a great find during my cycle-tour. There is free camping on its shores. Being on a bike I got the best spot in the place. A grassy little bluff under huge oak tree that the buses and camper vans couldn't drive to. I rode my bike up there through the trees, and pitched my tent so I got this exact view from my tent door.

Lake Tutira

The lake was bursting with bird-life including more black swans than I could count.

Misty morning at Lake Tutira

I had an early start the next morning and when I was packing up the lake was covered in a thick mist. The mist began to break up and lift, and the sun leaked through as I rode around the western shoreline to continue my journey north (into some of the meanest hills I encountered the whole 3 weeks on the road.)

10:42:23 AM    Comment []

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Last update: 5/10/2008; 2:16:05 p.m. .

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