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  Monday, 5 March 2007

My Steed

My Xtracycle averages over 300km per week these days. Just cleaned it today so was a good excuse to get a decent photo with its new custom snapdeck on.

In just two weeks I begin a 6 week break from work. During my time off, my friend Devon and I will be going for a bit of a bike ride. The plan is to leave Nelson on our Xtracycles, ride down the west coast of the South Island to the southern-most tip of New Zealand's mainland, then ride back up the east coast. We will be camping in tents most nights, and aiming to ride at least 100km every day. With six weeks to do it we should have plenty of time up our sleves to explore many side roads and generally take our time. Kaycee will be coming along. I'm havig a special plastic box made as a 'sidecar' for her to ride in. I will be setting up a yahoo group to post photos, videos, and text from my mobile to, so you can all come along for the ride. We have been planning this trip for well over a year now but I haven't really mentioned it here. When we first started talking about it, we found some people didn't really beleive we could, or would do it, so I just didn't talk about it. We'll just do it instead. After all this planning I am now getting excited about it.

9:55:54 PM    Comment []

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