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  Tuesday, 1 May 2007

While on our South Island cycle tour I got into the habit of photographing our various campsites. It was always an odd feeling when I'd packed all my gear back onto the bike each morning, to look back as we rode away and see no sign of what had been my home for the night. Here's some of my favourite campsite shots...

Campsite at Clarks Reserve
Clarks Reserve on our first night of the trip. I like how Kaycee came prancing out of the tent just in time for the shot.

Campsite at Punakaiki
Punakaiki was night six of our cycle tour. This is just down the road from the famous pancake rocks.

Campsite near Wanaka
A bit of fun with a tripod and a torch under a full moon at our campsite near Wanaka. This was night 15 of our tour. We got woken up at dawn by a grumpy campground manager demanding our camp fees that we had failed to pay into the honesty box 'on arrival'. We were gonna pay.... honest.

Start of a cycle touring day
This is the start of a (nice sunny) cycle touring day in Manapouri. I sleep with a camera by my pillow :)

Waikouaiti campsite
I can't even remember exactly where this campsite was. Somewhere near Waikouaiti I think. I do remember I couldn't have coffee in the morning because we were short of water. We discovered the river nearby was actually tidal after we had made camp so (fresh) water was on very short rations. Luckily there was a little town just a couple of kilometers away, with a little bakery, that had suuuuperb coffee. Phew.

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