My first bone carving project is finished. The material I wanted to use for the cord is still proving hard to find though. I wanted to use a bees-wax coated nylon, that is usually used for stitching leather, because it is very strong but also give the look of a traditional flax cord. I could go ahead and make it out of flax which would be very authentic but unfortunately no matter how well made flax cord will wear out eventually (and even faster through constant contact with the skin of the wearer). I have tried sewing shops, craft shops, hardware stores, etc but can't find the stuff I want anywhere. So in the photo below the braided cord and whipping is made from white linen thread which I have braided (with home made apparatus), and soaked in a cup of tea to give it a more natural looking colour. If I do manage to find some bees-wax coated nylon I will redo it, but for now the piece is finished.

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