Tuesday, 21 October 2003
A friend put me on to this site. You can take several "personality" tests from superheroes to Star Trek and Star Wars to the Simpsons. You then find out which personality in that universe you would be.

Just for the record apparently I am Worf, Lando Calrissian, Superman, Lisa Simpson and Harry Potter. The guy that run sthis site, Matt, also has ringtones, sounds and other stuff available for download.
5:06:45 PM  #  comment []

With all the hoo ha about music piracy, this article makes a good point...

BusinessWeek: What Price Online Music? But I took a closer look at the 99-cent-per-song pricing model and came to this conclusion: For most consumers, this deal just doesn't make economic sense. That's a real problem for the recording industry if it wants people to stop stealing songs through Internet file-sharing. [Tomalak's Realm]
4:47:48 PM  #  comment []

Entertainment Beyond The Matrix. Fresh from finishing work on The Matrix Revolutions, special effects guru John Gaeta talks about the future of film and media convergence. Xeni Jardin reports from Barcelona. [Wired News]
12:57:45 AM  #  comment []