blogging on post-contemporary issues (edited and sometimes written by Antonio C-Pinto)


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  sábado, 03 de janeiro de 2004

Computer History Museum revisits the birth of the Mac. January 2004 brings the 20th anniversary of the Macintosh computer, and The Computer History Museum is going to celebrate with its "The Macintosh Marketing Story: Fact and Fiction, 20 Years Later" panel lecture next month, approximately two weeks after Macworld Expo. [MacCentral]
2:45:01 AM    comment []    

W3C head Berners-Lee to be knighted. Tim Berners-Lee, credited with inventing the World Wide Web and director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), will be named a Knight Commander, Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth of the U.K., the W3C announced Wednesday. The rank of Knight Commander is the second highest rank of the Order of the British Empire. Berners-Lee, 48, a U.K. citizen who lives in the U.S., is being knighted in recognition of his "services to the global development of the Internet" through the invention of the World Wide Web. [MacCentral]
2:43:08 AM    comment []    

Athens Gets Experimental. The University of Georgia is entering a new phase of its WAGZone experiment: A year ago, the university and the Athens Clarke County government launched a Wi-Fi zone that covers 20 blocks of downtown. Since then, students have built 40 proof-of-concept projects that use the network. Now, the university has launched the Mobile Media Consortium as an academic-industry partnership to spur the development of technologies that use the network that can improve quality of life. Initial industry partners include HP, XcellNet, Air2Web, and ExecuTrain. The consortium hopes to add five more partners.... [Wi-Fi Networking News]
2:39:20 AM    comment []    

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Last update: 12.09.04; 01:41:17.

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