Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Some Florida politics on Red State and the new Quinnipiac poll

A Qunnipiac poll released today forms the basis for Eric C's article Harris should drop out.

Also worth of mention is Peer Review's diary The Case for Jeb! in 2008 Part I.

This Quinnipiac poll is the first from them to offer a Nelson v Harris matchup.  In it, Harris loses 50-38. 

The poll also offers Speaker Allan Bense as a possible opponent against Harris and Nelson.  It has Harris beating him 54-10 and Nelson beathing him 55-26.  I mostly agree with the reasoning in the Red State article that this is because of a lack of name recognition on Bense's part.  If the Bush fundraising and campaign machine were to fall behind him, he would rise up as Mel Martinez did (at least through the primary). 

I won't say anymore about the Senate race here as most everything else would be a rehash of my A Challenge for Katherine Harris? story.

In the Governor's race, the poll doesn't offer any head-head numbers, but is interesting because it is the first poll since the  financial woes of the Florida Democratic Party came out (although the story is still rolling, putting yet more head on gubenatorial candidate Scott Maddox, the previous head of the FDP). 

Among Republicans, it has Charlie Crist leading Tom Gallagher 43-31.  Among Democrats, it has Jim Davis leading Scott Maddox 24-16 (the poll in April had Davis over Maddox 26-22).  Interestingly, the number of undecided Democrats has risen from 35% to 48%. 

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