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What I'm reading now

BOOK: Ronald Reagan: An American Life
I've just started re-reading Ronald Reagan's autobiography.

BOOK: William Bennett: The Book of Virtues
These stories build character. I’ve woven some of them into our district's character education plan.

BOOK: Charles Schultz: Peanuts Treasury
I open up this book whenever I need to unwind.


What I'm listening to now

CD: Bangles: Doll Revolution
My favorite band in the '8o's has a wonderful new album out!

CD: Superchic[k]: Karaoke Superstars
Alternative Christian...what does that mean? In this case, it’s bright, choral rock and roll.


What I'm watching now

DVD: 50 First Dates
Not exactly my genre, but this one is exceptional. A great date movie, too.

DVD: Xena: Season One
After experiencing this six-season grand saga when it first ran, going back to season one is like going home again. A fresh start.


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Friday, June 24, 2005

What's the matter?

We all learned that matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. Our teachers told us there are three states or phases of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. Some of us with cool high school teachers or college teaching assistants learned about another state: plasma. Then there were those of us who wanted a degree in physics who learned there were many more. Extremely low temperatures yield superfluids, supersolids, Fermionic condensates, and Bose-Einstein condensates. Particle accelerators give us quark-gluon plasmas. Stars hold degenerate matter, neutronium, and strange matter. And then there are a few states of matter associated with the instant after the Big Bang.

I found this article about a newly discovered form of matter.

MIT physicists create new form of matter. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- MIT scientists have brought a supercool end to a heated race among physicists: They have become the first to create a new type of matter, a gas of atoms that shows high-temperature superfluidity.

It's always mind-boggling, the things that happen at the extremes of temperature, size, time, speed, or distance. If one day we are able to harness these phenomena, our civilization will undergo a paradigm shift. Our lives will be forever changed in a qualitative way, rather than the incremental way that normal technological advancements tend to do.

For now, though, we can only watch these things from the window of the hovel we're confined to. Taunting us, prodding us, these extreme behaviors educate us that our day to day experience on Earth is only a tiny subset of the complexity of the universe.

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