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Sunday, February 15, 2004

500 Line Up to Marry in SF—200 Protest Outside Cardinal's House in Chicago   

[Chicago Sun Times]
Gay-rights activists protest at cardinal's home
Hundreds flock to San Francisco to say 'I do'

  By Abdon M. Pallasch on February 15, 2004

About 200 activists held a Valentine's Day protest outside Cardinal Francis George's Gold Coast home Saturday to demand equal marriage rights for gays and lesbians.

They chose George's residence instead of state or federal legislators' offices because they said George and the Archdiocese of Chicago had been among the main opponents of a gay-rights bill that narrowly lost in Springfield last year. ...

A group of 23 Chicago area priests wrote an "open letter" to the church hierarchy in December objecting to what they called "vile, toxic and abusive" language toward gays by church officials.

An archdiocese official told them to remove the letter from a parish Web site. They did not. But they included George's response: "Pastors have to mediate the tension between welcoming people and calling them to change, to repent and convert and live according to Christ's teaching transmitted by the church." [Hmmm, that's interesting, because CHRIST (aka Jesus of Nazareth), as we all know, never went on record as opposing gays and lesbians or same-sex marriage!]

Saturday's protest was one of many held around the country in part to oppose calls for a national amendment banning gay marriage. ...

[In SF] Gay and lesbian couples from across the country answered this city's Valentine's Day invitation to wed in an unprecedented spree of same-sex marriages that has challenged California law and sent conservative groups scrambling to court.

About 500 people lined up Saturday morning outside City Hall to secure marriage licenses -- and then take each other as "spouse for life" in brief vows that have given San Francisco's seat of government the feel of a Las Vegas wedding chapel.

"It's finally somebody saying, 'Yes, you can do this,'" said Peter Subers, 57, of Washington County, N.Y., as he stood in line with husband-to-be Rob Bauer, 63. Saturday was their 34th anniversary. ...

My comments: Praise the Goddess, the Lord, the Buddha, and Everyone Else! ;) Hip-Hip-Hooray for Gavin Newsom! He may not be Matt Gonzales, but he just can't be all bad (or even half bad)! I just can't help but think that come a few years and a few more open-minded generations, and the conservatives will never live down how they tried to stop committed couples—who lined up in droves at the first chance!!—from getting married. I do believe it will hurt their credibility in the end.

From the page of this article I clicked on an ad to what looks like a really good book: Gay Perspective: Things Our Homosexuality Tells Us About the Nature of God and the Universe ... "Our position as exiles and outcasts from conventional religion offers us the possibility for understanding what religion really is from an outsider's perspective, for seeing the truths hidden within the myths and for seeing the lies religion confuses and manipulates people with. Our queer sexuality can be a clue to profound mystical and spiritual truth and the basis of a truly virtuous and contributing life." Not the first time I've seen these sorts of ideas...a really neat guy spoke at UCD once who had a website about queer spirituality...I should try to find him, see if he's still out there...similar ideas. Of course in many indigenous groups queers of various sorts held honored spiritual leadership roles (heh, they still do, in the Catholic church, they're just in the closet!). :P

Anyway, this book reminds me that I want to get some links on the "Equality Now!" page to gay sprituality and religion. It's actually in looking for these kinds of links that I got to the Catholic sites that I've visited lately. I'm not quite sure how it happened, but it did. Must have been fate. ;)

|  6:03:05 AM  |  This is Post #136  |  Permanent URL:   |    |

Blogging with Catholics...   

I'm not sure how I got into this, but I guess I'm just a sucker for debate, although I must admit that I'm still waiting to see something worthy of debating, but I've ended up in some discussions with conservative Catholics on this guy Chris Burgwald's blog, Veritas, which if nothing else is a very pretty blog to look at (I really like the stained glass pattern!), but also Chris seems to be a nice, level-headed guy, so we'll see what happens. It's given me plenty to write about (as though I really needed any more!).

I started out commenting over there because Chris was lamenting the end of a discussion with a liberal pro-gay Catholic, and I felt like I understood where she was coming from and why she felt she couldn't continue the discussion any longer, and then later I opined that the two of them couldn't really communicate, because they have two fundamentally different views of the fundamental nature of their religion (law vs. love), to which Chris replied that he wasn't making arguments based on religion, only on reason. I find this pretty hard to believe! So I said:

"Reason" cannot take one to an anti-gay stance; all evidence indicates that homosexual behavior and same-sex relationships are "natural" (biologically), "normal" and "well-adjusted" (psychologically), and, sociologically speaking, perfectly compatible with harmonious social life (in other words, millions of gay and lesbian individuals and couples are living peacefully and productively on this planet, the same as heterosexual ones); there is nothing "reasonable" about affording rights to opposite-sex couples and denying them to same-sex ones. It's exactly what the MA supreme court said.

So I asked him to either make or point me to where he has already made an anti-gay, anti-same-sex-marriage argument "based on reason with no appeal to religious doctrine, God's plan, traditional values, divine law, Leviticus, Adam and Eve, etc., etc." I continued: "I'm excited at the possibility--it would certainly be a first in my experience!!"

So, we'll see...

|  3:19:15 AM  |  This is Post #135  |  Permanent URL:   |    |

Anti-Vatican is not necessarily Anti-Catholic   

Being against the Pope and the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church hierarchical institution and its assorted very bad policies and doctrines does not mean one fails to have respect for people who are Catholics. There are many good ideas in Catholicism, such as defending the poor and advocating for peace. And there are some very cool Catholics out there, like, for instance, many Catholic nuns. Two examples: The Sisters of St. Joseph of La Grange: Ministry of the Arts (they make the most incredibly gorgeous artwork—buy some!), and the National Association of American Nuns (a 33-year-old peace and justice group representing about 1,800 women religious), which doesn't seem to have a website, but one can find some of its statements around on the web:
On women in the priesthood
On sexual abuse of women in the Church
Some excerpts from a statement of outrage after two Catholic leaders were officially silenced and banned from working with gays and lesbians (although they never contradicted the Church's official teachings on "homogenital acts", they were just a little too loving and compassionate towards gays and lesbians as human beings, I guess *rollseyes*):

  • Woe to you, men of the Vatican curia, hypocrites! Because you shut the door against the loving relationships of lesbian and gay people and shelter the homosexual priests and bishops in your closets.
  • Woe to you, men of the Vatican curia, hypocrites! Because you devour the human rights of the Church's ministers by using secret and authoritarian procedures of examination.
  • Woe to you, men of the Vatican curia, hypocrites! Because you refuse to listen to the voices of dissent to your repressive measures.
  • Woe to you, men of the Vatican curia, hypocrites! Because you abuse your authority through a resurgence of the inquisition by probing into the conscience of another.

Another couple of cool Catholic reform movements: The Quixote Center and Call to Action.

Anyway, the reason this came up is that after somehow (not quite sure how) finding my way to a couple of Catholic blogs I encountered some commentaries on Margaret Cho who, in addition to her comedy segment on Republicans for the affaire, had previously done a piece against the Vatican's stance on sex and birth control, and so I had to respond to their calling her an anti-Catholic bigot:

1. Opposing the policies and positions of the Vatican does not make one "anti-Catholic". Many American Catholics, some very active and devout, disagree, sometimes very strongly, with the Vatican on quite a number of issues. This hardly makes them "anti-Catholic".

2. Neither does opposing the policies and positions of the Vatican mean that one holds a negative opinion of all persons who identify as Catholic. The above argument applies here, obviously. As does the fact that I vehemently oppose many policies and positions of the Vatican, yet nevertheless, my best friend is a practicing Catholic, one who agrees with the Pope on more issues than many American Catholics, and that doesn't stop me from loving her dearly. She has beliefs with which I disagree; I have beliefs with which she disagrees; on some levels we each think the other is misguided; yet we manage to be very good friends.

3. Even strongly opposing the Pope himself and the very nature of the Catholic hierarchical system, even despising the Pope and thinking him a foolish, pompous, dangerous and deluded individual, even telling him to F off (I wholeheartedly agree with everything Cho said and think she is a fabulous comedian), does not make one "anti-Catholic", if that is taken to mean that one hates or would discriminate against or seek to harm any or all persons who happen, by circumstance or deliberate choice, to be Catholic.

(No more so, I might add, than opposing the Bush administration makes one "anti-American" or opposing the Israeli government/army makes one an "anti-Semite".)

If y'all cannot see that, I think there's something lacking in your logical process. The Pope may think that he and his views define Catholicism, but many Catholics, in the US and around the world, disagree, and I wish them much luck in transforming the Catholic church into a more humane, fair, equal, rational, accountable institution.

I also made another comment on Margaret Cho, with regard to the fact that some conservatives (religious and otherwise) don't seem to be able to make a mental differentiation between a comedy act and a serious statement of personal belief...

Does it occur to any of you that Margaret Cho does not necessarily go around speaking like that in her everyday life? The language that you find so "offensive" is part of her comedy routine. She is in fact a perfectly intelligent woman who is perfectly capable of speaking and carry on conversations without using "profanity".

As with various sorts of performing artists, comedians take on personas, adopt styles of being and speaking, often ones that are extreme in some way, that are used in their comedy routines. And while a comedian's stage persona likely incorporates some parts of who they are as a person, it is nevertheless a limited way of being, one that is used while performing, and it can in no way be conflated with their whole personality or character. Reading a transcript of one or two of Margaret Cho's comedy routines does not put you a position to judge who she is as a human being.

Now I realize that some of you here on this Catholic blog may believe that using "profanity" at any time, for any reason, even in a comedy routine, is wrong, and thus constitutes a negative mark on a person's character, and (though I personally think it's silly, meaningless moralism), I respect your right to believe that way, but you still ought to be able to make some sort of distinction between the way a person is while performing on a stage as part of their professional work and the overall character of that person.

Speaking of Margaret's intelligence and her character, here are a few sentences from her comments on SF's same-sex marriages on her blog:
"I am of the opinion that this only enforces and grounds the idea of family values. By allowing and legitimizing different types of families, we make them relevant, attainable and honorable, therefore strengthening the moral fabric of the nation and making the ideal American family available to all who wish to be a part of one. We will never have a shortage of parents, like we do now. We will have a surplus of love and caring, which we do not have now."


|  12:33:40 AM  |  This is Post #134  |  Permanent URL:   |    |

P.S. George W. Bush is "a miserable failure on foreign policy and on the economy and he's got to be replaced."
George Bush Has Got to Go! *** Flush Bush! *** Anyone But Bush in 2004! *** Have you taken a good look at George W. Bush lately?

Hey, help my Google ranking! Madeline

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