Sunday, April 25, 2004

The Quick Web Service Guide

The Windows SharePoint Services Web Services provided in the Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer namespace provide numerous methods for accessing site content. These include methods for working with lists, site data as well as methods for customizing meeting, document workspaces, imaging and search. The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) interfaces used in these services provide .NET developers with object models that are used to create solutions that work with both WSS and SPS. The Web Service interfaces are integrated with the server-side object models of the Windows SharePoint Services assembly, and their design has been optimized to reduce the number of roundtrips transacted between client computer and server. Read More

6:34:31 PM    

I was recently working with a customer and they had a unique requirement that required one of the SPS areas be excluded from the search. In order to exclude an area from the search perform the following steps.

  1. From the SPS home page


  1. Select Change Settings from the Actions menu

  1. From the Settings tab select the Search tab

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