Updated: 9/30/08; 6:03:52 AM.
Gary Mintchell's Feed Forward
Manufacturing and Leadership.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Yesterday was another travel day, plus I'm trying to get our October issue to the printer. Today was the big day of the ISA Sales & Marketing Summit in Cleveland. Jim Cahill of Emerson Process Experts delivered the keynote in fine style. Kept everyone's attention and he surveyed the landscape of Web 2.0 applications (e.g. blogs, podcasts, video, flickr, Facebook, Friendfeed and many more). He added challenges, pitfalls and benefits, too. Search for his presentation at http://www.slideshare.net. Few people in attendance were doing any of this, but most were interested and wanted to know how to get started.

Carl Henning was following the instant updates from Jim, Walt Boyes, Juliann Grant and me and asked the question if enough engineers were interested to make it all worth while. I asked the audience at my breakout session if they used RSS and most did. Jim and I both commented to Carl that we have enough feedback from people around the world to suggest that many read this. In my talk I tried to stress using these tools to generate conversations with customers and prospects rather than take the classic marketing approach of talking at prospects.

This is a good meeting trying to get marketing professionals in the automation market to think about upgrading their skills and knowledge and finding new ways to get their message out. It's not that people don't want to know about companies and products--it's just that they don't want to be manipulated or talked down to or misled.

11:08:39 PM    comment []

ISA Expo is still on. See you in Houston October 14. These comments remind me of trips I made following the 9/11 tragedy and to New Orleans after Katrina. Following is the press release from ISA.

The Reliant Center has been serving as a command station for FEMA and search and rescue groups from around the nation in the wake of Hurricane Ike, which hit the Texas coast on 13 September. Government and Reliant Center officials confirmed today that the exhibit halls and relevant meeting rooms will be open and operational for ISA Expo.
"Houston is looking forward to welcoming ISA to the community again. I know there may be some reluctance to attend this year's event due to Hurricane Ike, however, Houston needs you to attend ISA Expo in Houston this year more than ever. Many of the employees of the hospitality community have been or will be financially impacted by Hurricane Ike and are in need of help. Without the convention, their income is reduced. Your attendance at ISA Expo 2008 would be considered an act of kindness and true support to the community of Houston," said Greg Ortale, President and CEO of the Greater Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau.

ISA plans to dedicate its Tuesday evening reception as a fundraising event to help rebuild the city of Houston. The reception, which will be held on the exhibit floor from 5:30 âo[base "] 7 p.m. on 14 October, will bring thousands of exhibitors and attendees together in a festive atmosphere and will raise money to help Houston rebuild from the storm.
"ISA is humbled and grateful to be a part of Houston's rebuilding process during this difficult time," said ISA Executive Director and CEO Patrick Gouhin. "We hope that bringing thousands of professionals to the Houston area will stimulate their economy and revitalize the spirit of innovation and perseverance that we've always admired about the city. Weâo[dot accent]re hoping that ISA Expo can provide an atmosphere for professionals to come together, spend time with colleagues, and focus on the bright future of the automation profession and the city of Houston."
"Long after the media has finished broadcasting the disaster scenarios, we will need to have a vibrant and strong convention and tradeshow business. Our hotels and restaurants are ready to serve - please do not deny us this opportunity. We can't wait to see ISA EXPO back in Houston," said Ortale.

10:48:30 PM    comment []

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