Monday, August 01, 2005

Not hot to trot for GWOT

This morning, announcing his recess appointment of John Bolton as ambassador to the UN, Bush said (soundbite transcribed by me from CNN broadcast):

"This post is too important to leave open, especially during a war . . ."

Richard Myers should have taken him aside and reminded him that it's no longer called the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT), but the Global Struggle Against Violent Extremism (GSAVE) -- the latter forming a catchy acronym that sounds like something available in your local bank.

Thus, what Bush should have said was, "This post is too important to leave open, especially during a struggle . . ."

And he should continually remind Americans that "I'm a struggletime president."

New counterinsurgency tactics will continue to be developed at the Army Struggle College, where the new anthem will be:

Ain't gonna study war no more
No, I ain't gonna study war no more

It all sounds to me like a strategy to weaken the anti-struggle movement by using the kind of weasel words Republicans used to deride when they were uttered by Clinton.  Or as a latter-day Pat Buchanan might say, "This is a struggle for the soul of America." 

2:33:59 PM