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Dr. Budwig Diet


Budwig Diet Information


You will recall from the article Cancer Cells Hate that oxygen means death to cancer cells. This diet is reported to do just that and the quotes below give some background on the biochemist who originated the diet. The second quote explains the theory.


Quote:  Dr. Johanna Budwig is known and highly respected around the world as Germany's premier biochemist. In addition, Dr. Budwig holds a Ph.D. in Natural Science, has undergone medical training, and was schooled in pharmaceutical science, physics, botany and biology. In all courses, this brilliant scientist excelled.

She is best known for her extensive research on the properties and benefits of flaxseed oil combined with sulphurated proteins in the diet, and over the years has published a number of books on the subject, including "Cancer--A Fat Problem," "The Death of the Tumor," and "True Health Against Arteriosclerosis, Heart Infarction & Cancer


Quote: The theory is: the use of oxygen in the organism can be stimulated by protein compounds of sulphuric content, which make oils water-soluble and which is present in cheese, nuts, onion and leek vegetables such as leek, chive, onion and garlic, but especially cottage cheese


The Dr. Budwig Diet is also a very rich source of Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids. Essential Fatty Acids can not be made by the body. They must be obtained from our diet. This information reminds me of my childhood when Mom (ninety years young) would administer the cod liver oil. Oh, how I hated that cod liver oil. It tasted so horrible it had to be great health food.


I surfed into this site recently when searching for cancer treatments and was amazed at the testimonial pages. The site is loaded with anecdotal stories of people who overcame cancer using this flaxseed oil and cottage cheese diet. What a great service to mankind the Beckwith family is performing! Since I have been on the Dr. Budwig diet since February 22, 2004, I think it appropriate to outline my version of this diet.


Dr. Budwig Flaxseed Oil and Cottage Cheese Diet


3/4 cup cottage cheese (low-fat) ***

3 tablespoons flaxseed oil (I use UDO’S CHOICE Ultimate Oil Blend) ***

1 clove crushed garlic

3 ounces distilled water

1/2 banana


*** In order to maintain the correct ratio of cottage cheese to flaxseed oil, it is necessary to allow 1/4 cup cottage cheese for every tablespoon of flaxseed oil. 


Put all ingredients in a blender and mix at high speed for 2 minutes.

This is part of my breakfast and it also makes a great mayo substitute. Any person dealing with a serious disease could add more oil and cottage cheese. Obviously, people wishing to maintain good health would use less.


Because of what I discovered about what is required to digest meat I have eliminated meat and fish from my diet until I get my white blood counts into the normal range. For dinner I have another serving of flax oil and cottage cheese along with some broccoli and leafy, green vegetables. I have also added some freshly milled flaxseed to the mix because of what I found here. I use an inexpensive ($15.00) coffee bean grinder to process any seed I use. Millet and buckwheat grouts are available locally so I often add them to the mix. The seeds of any fruit can also be used. I believe processing them in the coffee grinder makes them easier to digest.


The following information was obtained from a Yahoo Discussion Group on Flaxseed Oil and Cottage Cheese (see yellow button below) where a wealth of information is available to anyone wanting information on this natural cancer treatment.


Foods to eat and foods to avoid


Eat only wholesome foods that are fresh, unprocessed and preferably organically grown.

They should include a variety of vegetables, fruits, berries, grains, seeds, nuts, legumes,

herbs, spices, freshly pressed vegetable and fruit juices, good oils like coconut oil and

not to forget the core of the Budwig Diet, flaxseed oil/cottage cheese (fo/cc) and freshly

ground flaxseeds.


Avoid hydrogenated oils (like margarine, shortenings and foods containing them), sugar,

animal fats, preservatives, chemicals and processed foods. 


Honey, used in moderation, is permitted. So, also, is low fat cheese.


Dr. Budwig was a German and German terms are used in her Budwig protocol. Some of those terms are:


mulcli - 3 tablespoons flaxseed oil well mixed with 1/2 cup cottage cheese

oleolox - a spread used on bread and potatoes, based on flaxseed oil and coconut oil

linomel - ground flaxseed that is coated with honey  (2 parts flaxseed to 1 part honey)


The following button is provided should you wish to examine the great work of this discussion group.

Subscribe to FlaxSeedOil2
Powered by health.groups.yahoo.com


Note: No sugar !!!!! No animal fats!!!!!


Believe it or not, I find all the above very tasty as well as filling.


Click on this link for information on cost per serving.


I have realized another benefit of the Dr. Budwig Flax Oil and Cottage Cheese diet. I have not taken glucosamine for 5 months and I have no pain (as yet) in my knees. I will monitor this situation and provide an update after more time has passed.

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Last update: 12/2/04; 12:51:42 PM.