Inside Scoop on J2EE : Tips and tricks on J2EE and Oracle Application Server by Debu Panda
Updated: 11/18/2004; 5:18:57 PM.


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Monday, October 11, 2004 just published my article Simplifying EJB Development with EJB 3.0

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) was introduced for building distributed components. When it arrived it came with a promise to solve all issues and complexities of CORBA. EJB being the heart of J2EE went through several major revisions and got fattened with many features. Early on, most of the developers fell in love with EJB and used EJB in their application even it did not make any sense. “Blame it on EJB” has been the attitude for many developers when their projects did not scale well and they used EJB.

Development of EJB was never easier and it became more complex with every release of EJB specification. EJB has been compared with an elephant due to its complexity and heavy weight nature. Many developers feel EJB is like an extra layer of sugar syrup on a doughnut. In an age where low carb and Atkins diet is craze, the EJB expert committee has no option but to produce a low carb incarnation of EJB thus simplifying the development of EJB. EJB 3.0 expert committee released a sample picture of the lightweight model during JavaOne 2004 when it announced release of first public draft of EJB 3.0 Specification.

Here is the link to my article Simplifying EJB Development with EJB 3.0



12:32:09 PM    comment []


I will  be in Los Angeles, CA to deliver a seminar on Service Oriented Architecture on October 19. This seminar is arranged by Oracle and sponsored by Intel and TheServerSide. Please visit Oracle Developer Days link in OTN to register for this free event. I will be interested to meet our customers and fellow J2EE/Web Services developers during the event.

11:53:40 AM    comment []

© Copyright 2004 Debu Panda.

PS: These are my own thoughts and not of my employer ..

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