Link to todays posts Sunday, December 24, 2006

French manners and politeness

I just stumbled across the following article and realised the number of 'faux pas' I have committed during my time in France.

Mastering French manners, The hard way.

So Happy Christmas to you all, and for those spending their time in France remember not to put the Foie Gras on the toast with your fork, don't help yourself to wine, and keep your elbows on the table.

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These are our experiences of running a gite business in Brittany, France. A gite is the French equivalent of a country holiday cottage. French culture, language, taxes and bureaucracy. Find out about our gites using the links on the LHS. This is our fourth season (2006) and we are looking forward to the summer. Stories about the road to this point will be added in due course. Renovation nightmares, builders, stress, schooling etc. Stay tuned.


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