Monday, December 27, 2004
My titles aren't showing up, or, am I using the invisible ink mode?
3:18:33 PM  #  

Can do more damage than good.  I was scanning in a document and decided to use Paperport (v. 7.0) to accept the feeds.  My first warning was the inability to view all my folders (seems Paperport v 7 had some limitations).  But alas, I scanned all 21 pages to realize that I can't make a pdf until I upgrade and that the OCR text bridge still can't handle a two column page.

Back to Adobe and start over.

3:17:43 PM  #  

USG has an internal blog pilot -- which is not attracting much internal attention at the moment.  From Mr. Scoble of Microsoft we have some hope: 

Fortune Mag writes about corporate blogging.

Fortune Magazine: Wby there's no escaping the blog.

"It's all about openness," says chairman Bill Gates of Microsoft's public blogs like Scobleizer. "People see them as a reflection of an open, communicative culture that isn't afraid to be self-critical."

And if you aren't self-critical, your readers will whoop your behind. As I've learned several times over the past week or so.

[Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger]

3:09:50 PM  #  

Got an alert from the Association for Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) for the new volume of their online journal.  Will add this to the E-learning browse list.

The World E-Learning Conference is scheduled for October of 2005 in Vancouver.

10:20:07 AM  #  

Today will be a busy day, as will the week.  Our to do list is:

  1. Draft BOR presentation
  2. Draft E-Textbook report required by first of year
  3. Tend to details for Textbook Pricing Forums
  4. Begin draft of strategy regardging Academic Bill of Rights

And answer email, clear desk, the usual thing.

10:07:06 AM  #