Wilson Ng started helping the family business since 9 years old. Since then, he had dreamt to be a successful entrepreneur, one who starts great businesses  ( he has started 7) from scratch with insight, guts and initiative. He keeps his focus on growing the business by creating value-- not on politics, or wasteful distractions. He brings the same focus to community service, teaching, life and family.

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  Tuesday, January 25, 2005


You can normally classify your work into four different categories:

a.) important AND urgent ( this is something you should always prioritize to do first! )

b.) urgent but not important  ( this is something somebody pushes you to do immediately but is not really that important in the order of things)

c.) important but not urgent  ( this is something you should spend time on!  but because nobody is egging you, this is normally neglected.)

d.) not important, not urgent -- (these are things that people without focus or clear goals will do. It is easy, it is habitual. It creates an illusion that you are working hard or doing something.  This is for people who don't have a clear goal but want to show that they are not idle).

The thing is that it is up to us to get the discipline to do the IMPORTANT THINGS before they become urgent.  This discipline will give you the foundation or  preparation to prevent future situations  of constant rush and having to perpetually fighting fire. 

10 years ago, when the business was new, everything was almost urgent.  For the last few years, I have been trying my best to spend my time in building up people and processes so that I don't have to be in perpetual urgency.  The business should not just put all its time in meeting this week or this month's number, but take care that resources are also focused in planting the seeds for next year's goals.

I am also happy what I have done for the last 3 years for my personal life.  I have carefully laid down the foundation of my life so I have time to concentrate on important things, like:

a.) finally go ahead to enroll and finish an MBA.

b.) become a writer and start on this blog!

c.) spend time with the family. Did you had that plan that you would bring your wife to a dinner, but have been postponing it for the nth time. because something always comes up. Does your spouse feel he/she is becoming last priority -- that your plans will only be possible if there are no more URGENT things, which may never happen?

d.) lose weight. For 30 years, i knew I had to. There has never been any urgency -- except of course, in due time, I would get sick, I would be given a warning by the doctor, and I will finally do it -- but by then, damage is already done.

This year, I am focusing on something else:  learn Japanese.  It will not help the business this year, but it will be fulfilling to learn, and it WILL help business in the future as we start to increase our contacts with Japan.

In some way, spending time with family now, improving yourself sharpening the saw ( reading that book, learning that language, getting an advanced degree etc) are never urgent things, and some people take years to get around ( or never) , because they were busy with more urgent but less important things.

SUCCESS is how much you spend and enjoy doing important things which are NOT URGENT or BEFORE they become urgent.

Are you spending time for yourself which can be important?  Nobody will knock you on non -urgent things except yourself, or when it is too late. 

Are you reactive or proactive?



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