Wilson Ng started helping the family business since 9 years old. Since then, he had dreamt to be a successful entrepreneur, one who starts great businesses  ( he has started 7) from scratch with insight, guts and initiative. He keeps his focus on growing the business by creating value-- not on politics, or wasteful distractions. He brings the same focus to community service, teaching, life and family.

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  Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Great Slogans  ( my favorite quotes)

I found these on ads from Businessweek.  Sometimes the best quotes comes from a business vision which effectively encapsulates what the company does, and why it is important.

- You are what you hire. When it comes to being successful, you understand good people equals good business. And when you have the wrong people onboard, your company will most likely suffer. From morale to the bottom line, its just bad business ............MRI International

-There comes a time when execution is more important than theory...........Accenture

-Turn goods into good deeds........ Gifts in Kind

- We develop leaders who develop people who develop business.........Insead

-Success comes to those with the foresight to upgrade before the competition catches up..........National University of Singapore

Consider it solved...... Emerson

My company's  slogan for over 10 years is "Translating Technology to Business Strength".  While I am in the IT business, I wanted management people and customers to know that our value proposition is not that we are the best in technology, but we are best in helping the business succeed with technology.

Do you have great slogans you want to share?

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