Wilson Ng started helping the family business since 9 years old. Since then, he had dreamt to be a successful entrepreneur, one who starts great businesses  ( he has started 7) from scratch with insight, guts and initiative. He keeps his focus on growing the business by creating value-- not on politics, or wasteful distractions. He brings the same focus to community service, teaching, life and family.

This is the main page which contains all postings. The reader can also choose a category: techdrivenlife, on life, on businessquotes, jokes, tidbits & reading reviews.  A new category, EntrepreViews, talks on entrepreneurship and also answer reader's queries.


  Thursday, June 16, 2005

Open Source Marketing  (tidbits)

A new e-book  ( actually only 15 pages and free), which lauds the success of Open Source Movement, have coined a new term of marketing called 'Open Source Marketing'.  Ironically, one of its primary examples on how to do this was Microsoft's Channel 9, and its team of bloggers.


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Windows 2000 doing Too Well  (techdrivenlife)

It seems that forty eight percent of PCs are still running Windows 2000, even after 5 years it was launched, and as Microsoft takes steps towards ending full-pledged support and maintenance.

This compares to 38 percent for Windows XP, according to PC inventory and asset analysis company AssetMetrix... <more>


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Good Enough is not Good Enough  (tidbits)

Seth Godin, famous author of numerous books which are among the most thought provoking, has a new post in his blog which he laments that today's generation virtually have a prevailing attitude that does not encourage the pursuit of excellence

He labels the attitude as the Seduction of Good Enough  ( he has always had a way with words). Many of the products are just 'good enough'.  People are so busy that they just want to get by....  Are they overwhelmed, overworked, or just losing motivation?  Are we still rewarding excellence in many areas, or are people just become jaded?



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The Alterpreneur  (EntrepreViews)

Here is an interesting post about the alterpreneur.  While it is a given that most people in developing countries where there is a dearth of good paying jobs, and the way to have a relative prosperous life is only through owning your own business, people in developed countries find businesses for other reasons.

Increasingly, there is a new breed of entrepreneur whose main objective actually is to make  their business small so that they could enjoy life, and to obtain 'freedom from the corporate treadmill and the chance to build their own lifestyles'.

Of course, it does not always happen that way   <more>...



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