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  Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Management Case Study as a Whodunit

On a couple of times, I have had the satisfaction of being able to discern a case or a problem brought by some of my colleagues, and see the awe that they have on their faces. How was I able to discern and dissect the problem, and come up with a solution so neat, yet upon presentation, so obvious?

I think my ability to hone in an issue and organize as well as analyze the facts into a logical conclusion is the result of a lifelong passion and interest in whodunit (more…)

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How IT Companies got their Names

I just received an interesting email which probably is being circulated. It shows the story behind how the IT companies got their names.

Included in the list was Adobe, Apache, Apple, Cisco, Google, Hotmail, HP, Lotus, Intel , Microsoft, Motorola, Oracle, Red Hat, SAP, Sony, Sun, Xerox and Yahoo got their names. I have read about other stories, or versions of it ( so we don’t know which is correct).

It is great to know that SUN was used to mean Stanford University Network, and that Motorola ( which started making radios for motor cars) was so named because the most popular radio company at that time was Victrola. Apache got its name because it was a ‘patchy’ server. Read on…. (more…)

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