Environmental News Bits
Environmental news and information from the staff of the Illinois Waste Management and Research Center Library. Send your comments, questions, and suggestions to library@wmrc.uiuc.edu.


Environmental News Bits

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

[Schools] Students learn to conserve, preserve

With a twist on the story of "Alice in Wonderland," elementary students have been learning how to conserve energy, recycle and reuse what others throw away. [Source: Salem (OR) Statesman Journal]

3:52:20 PM Google It!   

[Environmental awards] 2006 White House Closing the Circle Award winners announced

Source: Office of the Federal Environmental Executive (OFEE), 5/19/06.
The Office of the Federal Environmental Executive is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2006 White House Closing the Circle (CTC) Awards. The CTC Awards recognize outstanding achievements of Federal employees and their facilities for efforts that resulted in significant contributions to, or have made a significant positive impact regarding to environmental stewardship. The awards focus on waste prevention, recycling, and green purchasing activities under Executive Order (E.O.) 13101, environmental management under E.O. 13148, green/sustainable buildings under several executive orders, and reduced fuel usage under E.O. 13149. This year the program also recognizes four (4) Gold level partners of the Federal Electronics Challenge (FEC). [Great Lakes Pollution Prevention Roundtable (GLRPPR) Environmental News]

3:48:46 PM Google It!   

[Environmental health] Household Cleaners May Not Be Good To Breathe

Don't bank on the advertised "clean scent" of household cleaners smelling like lemon, pine, and orange. New research suggests they can be hazardous to health when used carelessly or too much in small, unventilated rooms. Julie Sevrens Lyons reports in the San Jose Mercury News 5/23/06. [SEJ Environmental Journalism Today]

3:46:53 PM Google It!   

[Renewable energy] Kleiner Perkins Announces GreenTech Prize

 Clearly, it's all about the competition and awards this weekend. Via WorldChanging and TriplePundit, mega-venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers has announced an annual $100,000 prize "...to promote technology or policy innovation in green technology."

"This award will encourage innovation in sustainable, green growth," said KPCB partner Brook Byers."We will bring worldwide recognition to entrepreneurs who achieve breakthroughs in green energy generation, storage, conservation or policies, whether from an individual or a team, whether public or private, anywhere in the world."

KPCB today inaugurates the Greentech Innovation Network with 50 of the world's leading entrepreneurs, scientists and policymakers. They are gathering from the United States, Asia, Europe and South America to build a strategic map for evaluating needs and encouraging innovation, and to forge new partnerships. Insights from Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, a 'geo-green', will keynote the networking event. ...

"We have been quietly investing in Greentech for several years," added Ray Lane, KPCB partner. "We've backed four new ventures since announcing our Greentech initiative in February of this year. These, together with five previous ventures, are innovating for green and sustainable growth. We're seeing more and more entrepreneurs address critical environmental needs. This workshop is not a conference, it is a networking event to "help solve the problem" by collaborating in five Greentech areas. They are electricity generation and storage, electricity efficiency, alternative fuels, transportation efficiency and carbon reduction policies."

KPCB has previously announced investments in Lilliputian Systems, which produces micro fuel cells for portable and wireless devices, and Miasole (www.miasole.com), which makes a flexible, low-cost photovoltaic cell for large-scale solar energy. Six other Greentech ventures are in stealth mode.

As I've noted before, it's great to see a VC firm of this prominence moving so aggressively into green tech -- perhaps it's more evidence that we've reached a tipping point. What will be even more interesting, though, is that major investors like this will ultimately determine what green technology is, as least as far as what makes it into the commercial market. While everything I've seen shows me the KP is funding really innovative technology, those of us out here will have to keep a close eye on developments and make our voices heard about the investments made by the money folks. For instance, another portion of this same press release noted that KP is backing Altra, Inc., which looks like a big player in the corn-based ethanol industry. More and more, I find myself on the fence about corn ethanol -- it's a place to start, it's cleaner than standard gasoline, and it will give farmers a boost, but it's definitely not something we want to view as the solution to our energy predicament. [sustainablog]

3:41:59 PM Google It!   

[Schools] GM, DOE Team Up to Sponsor 'Challenge X: Crossover to Sustainable Mobility'

Via sustainablog:

I've got a feeling that you'll be seeing "via Hugg" on a lot more of my posts, as its quickly developing into a goldmine of information. If you haven't visited or contributed to the green take on Digg, do...

While I bookmarked several items today, I was particularly intrigued by this post (which I'm pretty sure I've seen elsewhere, but whatever...): GM, the US Department of Industry, and other government and corporate leaders have teamed up to create Challenge X:Crossover to Sustainable Mobility. A three-year competition for engineering students, Challenge X challenges participants to "...re-engineer a GM Equinox, a crossover sport utility vehicle to minimize energy consumption, emissions, and greenhouse gases while maintaining or exceeding the vehicle's utility and performance."
Year 1 will focus on modeling, simulation, and testing of the vehicle powertrain and vehicle subsystems selected by each school. In June 2005, teams will come together to undergo extensive judging and evaluation. Teams will receive scores for five reports, a Pre-Competition Hardware Evaluation, an Oral Presentation, a Live Simulation Event, a Trade-Show Booth Event, a Control Strategy Oral Presentation, and K-12 Education Outreach Program. The teams that demonstrate a mastery of the key aspects of modeling their powertrain choice and constructing and controlling the powertrain will receive a donated GM Equinox after the June 2005 competition. Years 2 and 3 will require teams to develop and integrate their advanced powertrain and subsystems into a donated GM Equinox. At the conclusion of each of these competition years, teams will come together to undergo extensive judging and evaluation. Events will encompass energy use and emissions goals, vehicle utility and performance, engineering, and K-12 Education Outreach.
Additionally, each team will be provided with seed money, as well as mentoring and technical support. I like the idea of a competition, as, theoretically anyway, it will spur these teams to greater innovation in their designs. I don't, however, know what the prize is... can't seem to find that anywhere. Regardless, year one has passed, and the teams are into the second year of competition -- Canada's the University of Waterloo won first-year honors. I'll be looking forward to seeing what kinds of developments come from this contest, and watching to see if other businesses, governmental bodies and non-profit organizations host similar competitions -- I seem to remember reading about one coming out of Congress, but don't have the details in front of me.  [sustainablog]

3:38:45 PM Google It!   

[Biofuels] Turning Grass into Gas

Via sustainablog:

After searching, I found that Treehugger had touched on Canadian company Iogen last summer, but this article from National Geographic News was the first I'd heard of them, and I think they're onto something. Iogen is in the ethanol business, but not the corn-based kind that only US politicians and corn farmers seem to love unconditionally. Rather, they've developed a process that "brews" wastes from plant farming into ethanol:
"Essentially we start with a bale of wheat straw, add enzymes to convert the straw into sugar, and then let fermentation and distillation make the sugar into ethanol."

What's more, producing ethanol with this process creates a byproduct called lignin, a mix of polymers found naturally in woody plants that binds plant fibers together.

The lignin extracted from farm waste can be burned like coal to power the ethanol production facility, according to Iogen.

"Almost a quarter of plant fiber is lignin, which can be extracted to run the boiler," Easterly, the energy consultant, said.

Hosein Shapouri of the U.S. Department of Agriculture says that such factories wouldn't need energy from fossil fuels to run the plant.

"[They] can even produce extra electricity that can be sent to the public power grid," Shapouri said. "These plants will be self-sufficient."

And farmers operating near the plants will be offered a new source of income for their previously discarded agricultural waste.

Now that's the way to produce ethanol. We'd still provide a benefit to farmers, and wouldn't have to limit that benefit to one kind of farmer. And the waste itself provides the source of the fuel as well as the source of energy to create that fuel -- I'm also guessing the carbon emissions from burning lignin would be much lower than fossil fuels. The only problem Iogen has had is investor reluctance to fund the first commercial-scale plant (everyone wants to fund the second plant, after they work out the bugs in the first one). That's changed now, as Goldman Sachs has thrown $30 million into the pot. Somebody please tell our Midwestern politicians about this so we can avoid the pitfalls of corn-based ethanol -- this looks like a true win-win.

By the way, if you're interested in more details of the crop wastes to fuel industry, make sure to check out C. Scott Miller's Bioconversion Blog -- that's his thing, and he's definitely got his finger on the pulse... [sustainablog]

3:32:58 PM Google It!   

[Corporate environmental responsibility] New York Times Publishes Special Green Business Section

Via sustainablog:

I'm certainly not the first one to see this today, and have just had the opportunity to read through some of the articles in today's special section in the New York Times. Titled "The Business of Green," the paper features articles on a wide range of topics, including emissions trading, the profitability of adopting green practices, and even a special center established for making restaurant equipment more energy efficient (I had no idea that the restaurant industry was the biggest energy waster in the US).

I had thought I'd choose one article for close examination, but as I read through a number of them, I found myself a little disappointed. The articles I read all focused on the activities of big corporations: GE, PG&E, Ford, GM,... you get the idea. Many of these companies are making positives steps (though we can debate sincerity and/or effectiveness of individual efforts), but it seems to me that the companies doing some of the most innovative work or engaging in truly green business are missing from these articles. I covered many of them here, as have other green bloggers -- I wonder how they escaped the NYT. While the large corporations have the money to go green on a large scale, they're also going mainly after the low-hanging fruit, or making adaptations to existing product and service lines. The real innovation is coming from farther down the corporate food chain, and had the Times looked there, they could've given a major push to companies that live or die by green products and services.

Perhaps I'm being too harsh... What did you think? [sustainablog]

3:27:29 PM Google It!   

[Green tourism] Green Trend Taking Hold in Tourism Industry

Earth-friendly hotels and resorts have joined eco-tourism as a major emerging trend in the travel industry. Hotels try to lure guests with recycling, organic food, and gentler cleaning chemicals. Michelle Keller reports in the Los Angeles Times 5/19/06. [SEJ Environmental Journalism Today]

3:20:30 PM Google It!   

[Hospitals] Hospitals Challenge: Do No Harm

A Kaiser Permanente facility in Modesto, CA, exemplifies how hospitals are rethinking nearly every aspect of their design, construction, and operations. Mercury blood-pressure cuffs are becoming a thing of the past. Shia Levitt reports for American Public Media's "Marketplace" 5/17/06. [SEJ Environmental Journalism Today]

3:16:49 PM Google It!   

[Environmental health] Climate Change and Human Health Impacts in the United States: An Update on the Results of the U.S. National Assessment

Ebi KL, Mills DM, Smith JB, and Grambsch A. 2006. Environ Health Perspect: doi:10.1289/ehp.8880. [Online 18 May 2006] [EHP-in-Press]

3:14:10 PM Google It!   

[2008 Summer Olympics] China Integrating "Green" Concepts into Olympic Venues

As Beijing moves forward with construction for the 2008 Summer Olympics, project developers are embracing state-of-the-art energy technologies as well as measures to save water and protect sensitive ecosystems. [Worldwatch Institute]

3:11:48 PM Google It!   

[Climate change] CO2: We call it life

Via Gil Friend:

Here's an amazing example of what the mind of a skilled propagandist can produce:

Two 60-second television spots from the Competitive Enterprise Institute 'focusing on the alleged global warming crisis and the calls by some environmental groups and politicians for reduced energy use.'

Carbon Dioxide: It's what we breathe out, and what plants breathe in. They call it pollution. We call it life.

True enough, but put true statements in distorting contexts, and what do you get? Highly polished sleeze.

I'm wondering who, at what agency, did the creative on these, and how well they're sleeping at night, and how well they'll sleep with seawater lapping at their feet. 'Got milk' has got nothing on these guys.

Brought to you by the Let's Go To Hell In A Faster Handbasket Marketing Board. [Gil Friend]

2:17:39 PM Google It!   

[Green building] Guerilla marketing in the Emerald City

There's an urban renaissance going on in Seattle, and savvy marketers are asking passersby 'what's green.' The buildings, for one. [SIJ News headlines]

2:15:16 PM Google It!   

[Renewable energy] New York Sets Sights on Renewable Energy

Gov. George Pataki of New York wants a quarter of the state's electricity to come from renewable sources by the year 2013. Guests examine the plausibility of the plan, in a live broadcast from Syracuse, N.Y. [NPR Topics: Technology]

2:05:36 PM Google It!   

[Electronics industry] EPEAT: The New Green Computing Standard

Are "green computers" the next big thing after "green buildings"? A new industry standard is hoping that will be the case. [Joel Makower: Two Steps Forward]

2:03:38 PM Google It!   

[Renewable energy] New York Mega Mall Will be Driven by Green Power

Around the country, cities are aging -- especially cities built around industries that are now long gone. This week, Syracuse, N.Y., town officials agreed to move forward with a proposed mega-mall called Destiny USA, which would rival the size of the Mall of America. The developers of the mall promise that it will be 'green,' with all of its power coming from renewable sources. [NPR Topics: Environment]

2:01:18 PM Google It!   

[Alternative fuels] Auto Industry Chiefs Talk Alternative Fuel in Washington

The heads of the major U.S. automakers are on Capitol Hill talking about the future of building cars that use alternative fuels. [NPR Topics: Environment]

1:59:13 PM Google It!   

[Pest control] Insect Pheromones: Mastering Communication to Control Pests

This publication explores research to develop pest control methods based on pheromones, chemicals "secreted by an animal, often an insect, that influence the behavior or development of other members of the same species." Includes images, a timeline of the study of insect pheromones back to 1870, glossary, and links to related research. From Beyond Discovery, a publication series from the National Academy of Sciences. [Librarians' Internet Index: New This Week]

1:56:23 PM Google It!   

[Sustainable cuisine] Sustaining the Future

Series of articles on sustainable cuisine (or "green cuisine"), defined as "following practices and management techniques that don't take any more from the world than they put back." Includes a brief history of sustainable cuisine, tips for buying sustainable food (such as buying locally-produced products), a sustainable seafood chart, and a chronicle of one person's experiences of joining a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program. From Epicurious. [Librarians' Internet Index: New This Week]

1:51:26 PM Google It!   

[Mercury] Methylmercury explodes after acid rains

Source: Environmental Science & Technology, 5/10/06.
The first ecosystem-scale experiment confirms that the sulfate in acid rain speeds up the production of the methylmercury that bioaccumulates in fish. Naomi Lubick reports in Environmental Science & Technology. [Great Lakes Pollution Prevention Roundtable (GLRPPR) Environmental News]

1:48:20 PM Google It!   

[Air pollution] Reducing heavy-duty truck idling

Source: Environmental Science & Technology, 5/17/06.
A new Internet-based mapping program helps truckers find rest stops where they can plug in to cool or heat their cabs. [Great Lakes Pollution Prevention Roundtable (GLRPPR) Environmental News]

1:44:53 PM Google It!   

[Environmental health] Chemical screening--faster, cheaper, better?

Source: Environmental Science & Technology, 5/17/06.
A new approach could help regulators break through the monumental logjam of existing chemicals that have never been assessed for their potential to harm humans or the environment. Rebecca Renner reports for Environmental Science & Technology. [Great Lakes Pollution Prevention Roundtable (GLRPPR) Environmental News]

1:39:25 PM Google It!   

[Environmental health] Putting microbes to work

While locked in a battle against bacteria it's easy to overlook that some of those bacteria aren't so bad; some are even beneficial when employed to do our work. [Environmental Health News]

1:29:43 PM Google It!   

[Green lifestyle] Housekeeping with a clean conscience

Ellen Sandbeck, an organic gardener, graphic artist and worm farmer, advocates cleaning with natural products. [Environmental Health News]

1:27:18 PM Google It!   

[Brownfields] Brownfields slow to go green

It offers some of the nation's most lucrative incentives to reuse blighted land, but some developers and affordable housing advocates say New York's landmark brownfields cleanup legislation is becoming better known so far as a source of bureaucratic headaches and legal confusion. [Source: Newsday]

11:16:26 AM Google It!   

[Patents] PTO Wants to Tap Experts to Help Patent Examiners.

In hopes of improving the quality of patents and reducing a backlog that this month topped 1 million applications, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is weighing an online pilot project to solicit public input on patent applications. Author: Eli Kintisch [Science: This Week's News]

11:09:47 AM Google It!   

[Schools] Pa.'s first 'green' school building planned for Westmoreland County

A Westmoreland County middle school is embarking on an ambitious renovation and expansion plan to create southwestern Pennsylvania's first green-certified school building. [Source: MSNBC.com]

10:49:13 AM Google It!   

[Schools] Next-Generation Textbooks: Book Smarts

Yet another article, this one from Campus Technology, about colleges and universities moving to electronic textbooks.

10:42:52 AM Google It!   

Monday, May 22, 2006

[Flame retardant chemicals] Lake's health at heart of study, county ordinance

Scientists at Grand Valley State University have been selected to study an emerging problem facing the Great Lakes: the dramatic accumulation of a toxic flame retardant in fish. [Source: Muskegon Chronicle]

4:17:19 PM Google It!   

[Green landscaping] Greener ways to get a green lawn

One of the most polluting activities at many homes is lawn care, with lawn mowers that spew out emissions at a higher rate than cars and overfertilized lawns that pollute nearby streams. [Source: Great Lakes Radio Consortium]

4:15:45 PM Google It!   

[Green building] Contracters, homeowners discover advantages of eco-friendly materials

Once a fringe movement, a growing number of residential and commercial projects in mid-Michigan are taking steps to be certified for their environmental friendliness. [Source: Lansing State Journal]

4:14:14 PM Google It!   

[Green purchasing] New Standard Helps Purchasers Buy Greener Computers

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, along with the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards Association, has announced a new voluntary environmental performance standard to help large computer buyers make environmentally sound purchases. [Source: GreenBiz.com]

4:11:36 PM Google It!   

[Corporate environmental responsibility] GE Ecomagination Revenues Cross $10 Billion

GE has released its 2005 ecomagination report, showing that revenues from the sale of energy efficient and environmentally advanced products and services hit $10.1 billion in 2005, up from $6.2 billion in 2004 -- with orders nearly doubling to $17 billion. [Source: GreenBiz.com]

3:58:34 PM Google It!   

[Lighting] Illuminating Changes: Conventional lightbulbs may soon be obsolete

Indoor lighting is undergoing a dramatic metamorphosis toward energy-conserving systems that rely on solid-state technologies. [Source: Science News]

3:56:47 PM Google It!   

[Biodiesel] House Democrats Take a Stand for U.S. Biodiesel

In response to public demand for new direction and leadership to meet the energy needs of America's families, Democrats in the House of Representatives announced a plan to invest in America, grow our energy and establish energy independence. "This plan is homegrown and American-owned," said House Democratic Caucus Chairman James E. Clyburn. The plan, developed by the Rural Working Group, details the opportunities. [Source: RenewableEnergyAccess.com]

3:54:23 PM Google It!   

[Biodiesel] Biodiesel Made from Algae in Sewerage Ponds

Aquaflow Bionomic Corporation has produced its first sample of homegrown biodiesel fuel using algae sourced from sewerage ponds in its region of New Zealand. In what could be the first such sample of biodiesel in the world, the breakthrough came after Aquaflow undertook a pilot project to extract algae from its excess pond discharge. [Source: RenewableEnergyAccess.com]

3:51:07 PM Google It!   

[Grants] Servicizing in Schools Grant (FY06)

DATES: The closing date and time for receipt of applications is June 19, 2006, 5:00 p.m. EDT. Applications submitted in hard copy (paper) and by electronic mail (e-mail) must be received in the Program Office by the closing date and time to receive consideration. Applications submitted through Grants.gov must be received by Grants.gov no later than June 19, 2006, 5:00
p.m. EDT.

SUMMARY: This notice announces the availability of funds and solicits applications from eligible entities that can help build upon a recent Lansing Public School District Chemical Management Services/Resource Management Pilot. Specifically, the solicitation seeks proposals on the creation of a workbook for school districts on how to go through the process of switching to servicizing, and conducting pilots to test the “servicizing” approach in much smaller and much larger school settings. The aim of this solicitation is to grow bundled servicizing as a viable approach to improving chemical and waste management in K-12 school districts and stimulate service provider interest in the K-12 school district sector.

FUNDING/AWARDS: The total estimated funding for this competitive opportunity is $200,000. EPA anticipates award of one cooperative agreement resulting from this competitive opportunity.

3:30:26 PM Google It!   

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

[Nanotechnology]Environmental Groups Want Nanotech Sunscreens Pulled from Market

Sunscreens made with submicroscopic particles pose a health hazard and should be recalled, environmental groups said Tuesday in asking the government to increase regulation of growing uses of the science of nanotechnology. [ENN Business Headlines]

3:41:26 PM Google It!   

[Recycling] U.S. Random House Vows to Use 30 Percent Recycled Paper

Leading U.S. publisher Random House plans to invest millions of dollars to raise the proportion of recycled paper it uses to print books to at least 30 percent from under 3 percent at present. [ENN Business Headlines]

3:40:12 PM Google It!   

[Solar energy] Solar-powered furniture to be featured at ICFF

Source: Furniture World, 5/16/06.
New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) is one of six colleges from around the world invited to exhibit at the 18th annual International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF), May 20 - 23, in Manhattan. NYIT's exhibit, Furniture for a Solar Home, will feature six original prototypes developed by over 45 undergraduate interior design students. The six high-tech furniture pieces challenge many assumptions of current sustainable design thinking by advancing a new model that suggests interior furnishings become principal participants in the overall energy and material strategy -- both for solar and non-solar homes. NYIT's sofa, for example, has photovoltaic panels on the back that collect the sun's energy, which is used to power two lamps and a high-pressure fan system integrated beneath its cushions, providing for the user's own heating or cooling needs. [Great Lakes Pollution Prevention Roundtable (GLRPPR) Environmental News]

3:34:42 PM Google It!   

[Corporate environmental responsibility] "The Case for Sustainability" Project -- Call for Submissions

I'm pleased to announce that we have just issued the request for submissions for the "Case for Sustainability" casewriting project. [Joel Makower: Two Steps Forward]

3:31:48 PM Google It!   

[Climate change] Why Aren't Americans 'Very Worried' About the Climate?

It was barely six weeks ago that Time magazine warned us to "Be Worried. Be Very Worried" about climate change. So, why aren't we? [Joel Makower: Two Steps Forward]

3:29:43 PM Google It!   

[Ethanol] New York State Backs Cellulosic Ethanol

A $20 million program in the New York state budget is slotted for the development of a cellulosic ethanol pilot facility in New York State, Governor George E. Pataki announced, renewing his call for the adoption of his energy independence plan to reduce U.S. dependence on imported energy by boosting the production of clean, renewable fuels. [Source: RenewableEnergyAccess.com]

2:49:58 PM Google It!   

[Renewable energy] Pennsylvania Invests $10 Million for Clean Energy Projects

Governor Edward G. Rendell announced Pennsylvania will create jobs in the alternative energy industry and provide affordable, reliable energy for Commonwealth businesses and residents by investing $10 million in new clean energy projects. [Source: RenewableEnergyAccess.com]

2:48:38 PM Google It!   

[Biodiesel] Chevron Invests in 100 mgy Galveston Bay Biodiesel

Chevron, through its subsidiary, Chevron Technology Ventures LLC (CTV), has taken an equity position in Galveston Bay Biodiesel LP (GBB). The Houston-based company is constructing a biodiesel production and distribution facility in Galveston, Texas, said to have the potential to produce 100 million gallons per year (mgy) of clean-burning renewable fuel -- an amount that more than doubles this country's current production volume of biodiesel. It is scheduled for completion by the end of 2006. [Source: RenewableEnergyAccess.com]

2:46:48 PM Google It!   

[Solar energy] First Condo Project in New England to Use 100% Solar Power

With support from the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative (MTC) and Conservation Services Group (CSG), ground is being broken for what may well be the first new condominium construction project in New England that is all solar, according to Johnson Square Builders, the developer. [Source: RenewableEnergyAccess.com]

2:45:06 PM Google It!   

[Renewable energy] Winners of $125,000 Ignite Clean Energy Competition Announced

The Finals of the 2006 Ignite Clean Energy Business Presentation Competition have been awarded to energy entrepreneurs in solar, hydro-power and waste processing by a panel of industry leaders and venture capitalist judges who were convinced by the winners that their businesses can make clean energy that is competitive with conventional energy. [Source: RenewableEnergyAccess.com]

2:43:07 PM Google It!   

[Ethanol] America and Brazil Intersect on Ethanol

The United States and Brazil share many things: a hemisphere, a dedication to promoting democracy and human rights and the vigor that comes from being multiethnic societies. Those of us who have long wished that these two important countries of the Americas would establish a true partnership have seen encouraging signs recently. [Source: RenewableEnergyAccess.com]

2:36:59 PM Google It!   

[Grants] FY 2006 Request for Proposals - Source Reduction Assistance Grants Program for Seven of the Regional Pollution Prevention Program Offices

Seven of EPA's Regional Pollution Prevention (P2) Program offices anticipate having up to $163,000 available, per region, in fiscal year 2006, to fund projects supporting source reduction/pollution prevention and/or resource conservation activities through this request for proposals. Proposals for Region V are due by June 19, 2006.

2:34:26 PM Google It!   

[Awards] The Science and Practice of Ecology and Society Award

The Science and Practice of Ecology & Society Award is an annual award given to the individual or organization that is the most effective in bringing transdisciplinary science of the interactions of ecology and society into practice. The year 2006 will be the inauguration of this award. Examples of possible winners include, a high school teacher who develops a special curriculum, a mayor with initiatives and actions for her/his town based on scientific concepts, a journalist who brings scientific insights to a broader audience, or a NGO group who facilitates local knowledge production in rural communities.

The purpose of this award is to recognize the importance of practitioners who translate the scientific findings and insights of the scholarly community to practical applications. We want to identify innovative practitioners so that their story can be an example for others.

The Award
The award consists of 1000 Euro and an article in Ecology and Society devoted to this person or organization. This article will be written by those who send in the nomination.

Who can be nominated?
A person or organization that has succeeded in translating transdisciplinary science theory into practice.

Who nominates?
Any academic scholar or group of academic scholars can nominate a person or organization. An accompanying letter will argue why this person or organization is an exemplary example of the interface of practice and science in the domain of ecology and society.

Where to submit nominations?
The deadline for nominations will be July 1, 2006. Nomination letters can be sent, preferably electronically, to Dr. Marco Janssen, Email: Marco.Janssen@asu.edu. School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University, Box 872402, Tempe, AZ 85287-2402.

2:29:51 PM Google It!   

[Mercury] EPA OIG Audit Identifies Need to Implement Mercury Monitoring Plan

Monitoring Needed to Assess Impact of EPA's Clean Air Mercury Rule on Potential Hotspots, Report No. 2006-P-00025 [Report - PDF, 33 pages] [At a Glance - PDF], May 15, 2006. [Source: BeSpacific]

2:24:23 PM Google It!   

Monday, May 15, 2006

[Sustainable development] Trends in Sustainable Development (2006)

A colorful compilation of maps and graphs addressing interrelated challenges in four areas: energy for sustainable development, industrial development, atmosphere and air pollution, and climate change. [GreenBiz.com]

2:53:36 PM Google It!   

[Alternative energy] Rising price of oil highlights affordable energy alternatives

With oil prices reaching near near-record highs in recent weeks, calls have grown louder for the U.S. to develop new sources of affordable, domestic energy. Work by experts from The Earth Institute at Columbia University suggests that relatively low-cost alternatives already exist to meet the country's' growing energy demand that would at the same time reduce the need to rely on oil supplies from the Middle East and Latin America. [Physics Org]

2:50:20 PM Google It!   

[Daylighting] "Charlie" Brown Uses Dreary Weather To Make Greener Buildings

Don’t complain to Charlie Brown about those gray Northwest skies. That’s because professor G.Z. "Charlie" Brown sees plenty to like in a regular old cloudy day in Western Oregon. It’s all about the light.

Brown is an architecture professor at the University of Oregon and a nationally known expert on sustainable building design. He has pioneered the field of  "daylighting," the practice of using natural daylight to reduce the use of electricity to light and heat and cool buildings. [Source: The Chief  Engineer]

2:34:44 PM Google It!   

[Construction waste] From grit to glory

Construction waste recycling is up, but the industry is still warming up to the concept of reuse. [SIJ News headlines]

2:22:42 PM Google It!   

[Schools] OH: School designed to save energy

Source: Cincinnati Enquirer, 5/14/06.
Designs for the new Pleasant Ridge School might resemble the early-20th-century building it is replacing, but its rooftop solar panels, automated utilities management system and other energy-saving components make it 21st century. Architects hope to make the 75,310-square-foot, $13.4 million building the first Ohio school registered for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. [Great Lakes Pollution Prevention Roundtable (GLRPPR) Environmental News]

2:09:34 PM Google It!   

[Environmental awards] MI: DEQ director awards Steelcase Inc. the Neighborhood Environmental Partners Program Gold Award

Source: Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), 5/11/06.
Department of Environmental Quality Director Steven E. Chester awarded Steelcase Inc. with the Neighborhood Environmental Partners Gold Award during a meeting with company officials today. Steelcase has implemented a community donation program for office furniture and manufacturing supplies that are reused by local schools and nonprofit organizations. They have partnered with the National Wildlife Federation to incorporate natural spaces around their facilities. Steelcase has also awarded an on-going grant to Aquinas College's Sustainable Business Degree Program, provided environmental awareness training to 5,000 employees and their families, and played an active role in the West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum. [Great Lakes Pollution Prevention Roundtable (GLRPPR) Environmental News]

2:06:19 PM Google It!   

[Schools] PA: Solar projects to save money at two schools

Source: The Daily Item, 5/11/06.
Warrior Run School District officials expect to realize energy savings through a solar project at the Turbotville (PA) Elementary School. On Wednesday, a collector and 16 tubes were installed on the roof of the school cafeteria. The project will use solar power to preheat water for the cafeteria dishwasher. [Great Lakes Pollution Prevention Roundtable (GLRPPR) Environmental News]

2:04:21 PM Google It!   

[Biodiesel] Chevron Takes 22% Stake in Texas Biodiesel Company

Chevron Corporation, through its subsidiary, Chevron Technology Ventures LLC (CTV), has invested in a Texas-based company that is building a biodiesel plant that will have the potential to produce up to 100 million gallons per year. [Green Car Congress]

1:57:52 PM Google It!   

[Climate change] Global Warming Newspaper Articles archive

Newspaper articles about global warming tell the story of the Earth's climate and the diverse opinions and scientific discoveries surrounding the theory of global warming. From the Industrial Revolution to the Kyoto treaty and the advent of hybrid technology, the topic of global climate change has enthralled readers and sparked debate for centuries. Though many people argue over the theory's validity, global warming is a subject that affects us all and newspapers chronicle its discovery and the debate surrounding the issue. In particular, check out the timeline (http://www.globalwarmingarchive.com/Timeline.aspx). It includes articles from as early as 1788. [Pointer from ResourceShelf.com]

1:22:53 PM Google It!   

[Composting] Modesto restaurants to begin composting food waste

The U.S. EPA recently gave $50,000 to the city of Modesto to work with local restaurants to collect and compost food scraps and then sell the fertilizer to local landscapers, farmers and the general public. [U.S. EPA Trash and Recycling News]

1:17:42 PM Google It!   

[Green lifestyle] Greening up with the Joneses

Over the last two years, environmentalists say, they have been fielding more inquiries from people seeking practical solutions to combat global warming. But for many it is not so easy to conserve within a culture of affluence. [Environmental Health News]

12:25:38 PM Google It!   

[Environmental health] Heroes' breath toll: 9/11 sucks 12 years from bravest lungs

FDNY rescuers who sucked in toxic air while working at Ground Zero lost the equivalent of 12 years of lung function after the World Trade Center attacks, a bombshell health study shows. [Environmental Health News]

12:18:16 PM Google It!   

[EPA Libraries] Budget cut would shutter EPA libraries

Proposed budget cuts could cripple a nationwide system of EPA libraries that government researchers and others depend on for hard-to-find technical information, library advocates say. [Environmental Health News]

11:56:21 AM Google It!   

[Hybrid cars] GreenHybrid

An online community site for hybrid car owners. [Source: GreenBiz.com]

11:30:26 AM Google It!   

[Energy efficiency] Ripe for the Picking: Have We Exhausted the Low-Hanging Fruit in the Industrial Sector?

April 2006 study aims to determine whether the abundant, low-cost efficiency opportunities available to industrial facilities in the '70s still exist today. [Source: GreenBiz.com]

11:18:27 AM Google It!   

[Corporate environmental responsibility] Warner Bros. Launches New Environmental Initiatives Web Site

The moviemaker has launched a new Web site spotlighting the studio's creative approach to environmental initiatives and encouraging others to get into the act by playing a leading role in the environmental affairs of their businesses or communities. [Source: GreenBiz.com]

11:16:54 AM Google It!   

[Packaging] Crabtree & Evelyn, Johnson & Johnson Expand Plans to Phase Out PVC Packaging Materials

Crabtree & Evelyn has announced it is speeding up plans to stop using polyvinyl chloride (PVC) packaging products by March 2009. Johnson & Johnson says it will reduce use of PVC packaging by 70% by year end 2007. [Source: GreenBiz.com]

11:15:36 AM Google It!   

[Recycling] Second GM Plant Bags Landfill Dumping

General Motors' Tonawanda Engine Plant has achieved landfill-free status in its manufacturing operations by reducing waste generation, recycling, and converting waste to energy. [Source: GreenBiz.com]

10:55:43 AM Google It!   

[Fuel efficiency] Office Depot Pledges Higher Fuel Efficiency, Less Emissions from Shipping Operations

The company has joined the SmartWay Transport Partnership, a voluntary collaboration between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and commercial, industrial, and public sector organizations. [Source: GreenBiz.com]

10:54:32 AM Google It!   

[Grants] Stonyfield Farm Profits for the Planet Program

The Stonyfield Farm's Profits for the Planet Program donates 10% of the company's profits annually to nonprofit organizations in order to enhance efforts that help protect or restore the environment. Projects that generate measurable results, for example, natural resources saved, people educated, etc., are given priority. Applications for support are accepted from organizations throughout the U.S., with some emphasis on organizations located in the Northeast with projects often reflecting Stonyfield's support of organic farming methods and efforts to combat global warming. Requests for funding may be submitted at any time.

10:53:12 AM Google It!   

[Grants] Captain Planet Foundation Offers Funding for Youth

The mission of the Captain Planet Foundation is to fund and support hands-on environmental projects for children and youth. The foundation's objective is to encourage innovative programs that empower children and youth around the world to work individually and collectively to solve environmental problems in their neighborhoods and communities. Through environmental education, the foundation believes that children can achieve a better understanding and appreciation of  the world in which they live.

The foundation offers small grants of $500 or less, as well as a limited number of grant awards ranging from $500 to $2,500 each. Applicants must be at least 18 years old to submit a proposal.

Deadlines for submitting grant applications are June 30, September 30, December 31, and March 31. Grant proposals are reviewed over a period of three months from the date of the submission deadline.

10:51:32 AM Google It!   

Friday, May 12, 2006

[Schools] Going for the Gold with Green Technology

Students from Appalachian State University drove from North Carolina to Washington, D.C., in a bus entirely powered by biodiesel fuel made from recycled cooking oil.  University of Michigan at Ann Arbor students are "growing" materials for construction of buildings, both to use natural fibers and to encourage a new market for agriculture. These were just two of the winning projects at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's People, Prosperity and the Planet (P3) awards ceremony.

"P3 releases the power of the possible to advance sustainable solutions to environmental challenges," said EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson. "I am pleased that our nation's future leaders are answering President Bush's call to deliver environmental and economic results by expanding technology and innovation."

This national competition, sponsored by EPA's Office of Research and Development, enables college students to research, develop and design scientific, technical, and policy solutions to sustainability challenges. Sustainable solutions are environmentally friendly, efficiently use natural resources and are economically competitive. The P3 award includes funding up to $75,000 that gives the students an opportunity to further develop their designs and move them to the marketplace.

Winners of this year's awards and their projects are:
  • Appalachian State University, Boone, N.C. - Closing the Biodiesel Loop: community based production of ASTM D6751-03 standard fuel from local waste vegetable oil;
  • Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. - Sustainable Water Systems in Honduras - a simple method to  remove inorganic arsenic from groundwater sources;
  • Portland State University, Portland, Ore. - WISE, an interactive website for educators and students on a holistic (whole systems) approach to sustainable development guided by the WISE owl;
  • Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. - The Green Dorm:  design and construction of a sustainable facility for residential, laboratory and commons space;
  • University of Massachusetts, Lowell, Mass. - Cancer treatment drugs from green tea - novel used non-toxic enzymes to extract poly(catechins) with promising anti-tumor activity; and
  • University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.: Growing Alternative Sustainable Buildings from natural fiber, biodegradable or recyclable materials.
The P3 Award competition was held at EPA's first National Sustainable Design Expo on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The students exhibited their design projects while companies, non-profit organizations and government agencies exhibited their commercially successful sustainable technologies. Support for the competition includes more than 45 partners in the federal government, industry and scientific and professional societies.  

More information about the P3 Award competition

P3 award winners and their projects

EPA's sustainability research program

1:02:39 PM Google It!   

[Grants] Consumer Education about Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions through Awareness and Use of Energy-Efficient Products and Practices

Applications due Jun 09, 2006.

This notice announces the availability of funds and solicits proposals to increase overall consumer understanding and relevance of the connection between energy efficiency and the environment on national, regional and local levels.

12:58:43 PM Google It!   

[Grants] State Policy-based Approaches to Reducing Emissions through Improved Greenhouse Gas Management and Clean Energy Programs

Applications due Jun 09, 2006.

This notice announces the availability of funds and solicits proposals to encourage voluntary efforts to reduce energy-related emissions from stationary sources by funding proposals to advance improvements in state greenhouse gas management and state clean energy policies and programs.

12:56:26 PM Google It!   

[Grants] Fate and Effects of Hormones in Waste From Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)

Applications due Aug 09, 2006.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as part of its Science to Achieve Results (STAR) program, is seeking applications proposing to characterize the occurrence, magnitude, and extent of the impact of natural and synthetic steroid hormones in liquid and solid animal waste from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) on the environment and human health. This program also provides support for research to determine the impact of current CAFO waste management strategies (i.e. storage and disposal) on the transport, fate, and effects of steroid hormones originating from CAFOs.

12:49:19 PM Google It!   

[Grants] Surveys, Studies, Investigations, Demonstrations and Training Grants and Coopertive Agreements

Applications due Jun 22, 2006.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) Region 5 is soliciting proposals under Section 104(b)(3) of the Clean Water Act for projects in Region 5, specifically Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and/or Wisconsin. These funds may be used to conduct and promote the coordination and acceleration of investigations, training, demonstrations, surveys and studies relating to the causes, effects, extent, prevention, reduction and elimination of water pollution.

12:42:22 PM Google It!   

[Biodiesel] Country's largest biodiesel plant planned in Grays Harbor

A $40 million biodiesel facility, which would be the largest in the United States, is being planned on land owned by the Port of Grays Harbor (WA) between Aberdeen and Hoquiam. [Source: Puget Sound Business Journal, 5/8/06]

12:40:20 PM Google It!   

[Computer industry] First U.S. Voluntary Standard for Computers in Place

A new voluntary performance standard has been established to help large computer buyers make environmentally sound purchases. The standard has been established to help purchasers reduce the environmental impact of desktop and laptop computers and monitors they buy, use and discard. The new standard offers criteria in eight categories --- material selection; environmentally sensitive materials; design for end of life; end-of-life management; energy conservation; product longevity and life-cycle extension; packaging; and corporate performance.

12:34:22 PM Google It!   

[Energy efficiency] A Better Image with Less Energy

A typical home office with a fax, printer, copier and scanner is projected to save more than $300 over the life of the products thanks to new Energy Star specifications for imaging equipment. For the first time, the specifications cover energy use when the product is in use as well as in standby.

"We are pleased to bring increased energy efficiency to this set of everyday products," said William Wehrum, acting assistant administrator for Air and Radiation. "We applaud the industry for their commitment to Energy Star and their leadership in making these products more efficient."

The new specifications were developed because market research showed that technology had evolved in response to the Energy Star program, raising new opportunities to improve efficiency. EPA is challenging manufacturers to continue to make progress in developing energy efficient products for consumers. On average, Energy Star qualifying imaging equipment will be 30 percent more efficient than conventional models. The revisions to the will save consumers more than $3 billion over the next five years and avoid greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to the emissions of more than four million cars.  

Imaging equipment uses a sizable amount of energy across the United States. This year, approximately 275 million imaging equipment products will consume more than $3.6 billion in energy each year, accounting for two percent of total electricity expenditures.

Under the updated specifications, only the most energy-efficient of today's imaging products will earn the Energy Star, representing the top of their class. These new specifications are scheduled to go into effect on April 1, 2007, pending adoption by the European Commission. EPA first allowed imaging equipment to earn the Energy Star in 1993.

Products that have earned the Energy Star save energy and prevent greenhouse gas emissions by meeting strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy. Last year alone, Americans, with the help of Energy Star, saved $12 billion on their energy bills and prevented greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to those of 23 million vehicles.

12:27:32 PM Google It!   

[Fuel efficiency] Union Pacific on Track to Save Fuel Despite Increased Traffic

Despite rising fuel costs, Union Pacific says that it has reduced fuel costs despite hauling 4% more materials than one year ago. [Source: GreenBiz.com, 5/8/06]

12:20:37 PM Google It!   

[Corporate environmental responsibility] Shareholder Network Launched to Curtail Toxics in Products

Seventeen investing organizations collectively representing more than $22 billion in assets under management have issued a joint statement calling for other financial professionals and investors to join with them in supporting shareholder resolutions seeking better disclosure regarding the risks of toxics in products. [Source: GreenBiz.com, 5/8/06]

12:13:25 PM Google It!   

[Green products] Global Market Booming for Organic Cotton Products, New Report Shows

Use of organically grown cotton by retail titans, fashion designers, and small and medium-size companies resulted in a dramatic growth in global retail sales of products containing organic cotton between 2001 and 2005, according to a new report. [Source: GreenBiz.com, 5/8/06]

12:11:57 PM Google It!   

[Environmental health] Tainted by Cleanser: Antimicrobial agent persists in sludge

About 76 percent of a commonly used antimicrobial agent exits sewage-treatment plants as a component of the sludge that's often used as a farm fertilizer. [Source: Science News, 5/6/06]

12:09:25 PM Google It!   

[Grants] Green Communities Announces Charrette Grants Program

Green Communities is a five-year, $555 million initiative to build more than 8,500 environmentally healthy homes for low-income families. Created by Enterprise in partnership with the Natural Resources Defense Council, Green Communities will transform the way America thinks about, designs, and builds affordable communities. The initiative provides grants, financing, tax-credit equity, and technical assistance to developers who meet Green Communities Criteria for affordable housing that promotes health, conserves energy and natural resources, and provides easy access to jobs, schools, and services.

12:00:44 PM Google It!   

[Pollution] Industrial Pollution in Japan

Text of a 1992 publication on historical incidents of industrial pollution in Japan, including the Ashio Copper Mine (late 19th century), the 1955 arsenic milk poisoning, Minimata disease after World War II, and the Miike coal mine explosion of 1963. From United Nation University Press. [Source: Librarian's Index to the Internet]

11:55:33 AM Google It!   

[Green building] California: Green Building Design and Construction

Collection of documents about green (sustainable) buildings, "structure[s] that [are] designed, built, renovated, operated, or reused in an ecological and resource-efficient manner." Provides details about green building materials, training programs for California state and local government, state initiatives and programs, and other general and California-specific green building resources. From the California Integrated Waste Management Board. [Source: Librarian's Index to the Internet]

11:50:50 AM Google It!   

[Green building] Build it Green

Find overviews of the green building philosophy and products, a materials database, fact sheets about selected materials, green building guidelines for new construction and remodels, and related material. From a San Francisco Bay area group "whose mission is to transform the building industry so that buildings are remodeled and built using green practices and products." Some material is specific to the San Francisco Bay Area. [Source: Librarian's Index to the Internet]

11:47:13 AM Google It!   

[Green building] Buildings & Land: Home Resource Efficiency

Consumer guide to sustainable and energy-efficient home design, with fact sheets on appliances and lighting, home cooling, household greenhouse gas emissions, water efficiency, construction of new homes, environmentally friendly building materials, renewable energy (such as solar and wind power), indoor air quality, and recycling. From the Rocky Mountain Institute, an energy policy research organization. [Source: Librarian's Index to the Internet]

11:45:38 AM Google It!   

[Green building] Green Design/Sustainable Architecture: Resources

Extensive bibliography on sustainable design of buildings, with listings for dictionaries and encyclopedias, handbooks, histories, journals, and resources for codes and specifications, design, building materials, construction methods, environmental health, energy, case studies, and more. Includes links to additional research guides on solar design, daylighting (natural lighting), and other design topics. From the Environmental Design Library, University of California, Berkeley. [Source: Librarians Index to the Internet]

11:39:51 AM Google It!   

[Schools] Do You Know Your Art Hazards?

Visual arts, performing arts, industrial arts--each of these presents health risks and pollution concerns that are not fully understood by many. Illinois Greening Schools worked with the Great Lakes Regional Pollution Prevention Roundtable (GLRPPR) to create a resource specifically for art educators.

The new Pollution Prevention for Arts Education topic hub offers a compilation of resources that includes Background of the Issues, Reasons for Change and Concern, Health Effects, Regulations and Policies, Glossary, and Sources for Help.

The targeted audience for this topic hub includes school administrators, art instructors and teachers (public and private education), and art professionals. This primer is intended as a quick guide to the essential information on pollution prevention and hazard awareness, as well as a compilation of pertinent on-line resources. Resources will be added to this as soon as they become available.

Illinois Greening Schools is a joint project of Illinois EPA and Illinois Waste Management and Research Center.

For more information:
Greening Schools

11:35:57 AM Google It!   

[Automotive industry] Ford Launches Customer Carbon Offset Program

Ford Motor Company and TerraPass have announced a program offering Ford vehicle owners the opportunity to offset the climate impact of their driving. [Source: GreenBiz.com, 5/1/06]

11:28:11 AM Google It!   

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

[Radiation] New radiation web site from US EPA

From seeing a stadium laser light show to receiving an x-ray, radiation is part of our lives. That's why EPA is launching RadTown USA, a new web site that uses an animated town to provide basic information on radiation in the environment. RadTown USA is a virtual community showing the wide variety of radiation sources commonly encountered in everyday life. The RadTown site features houses, a school, stadium, construction site, flying plane, moving train and much more to highlight and explain the many common sources of radiation.

The information is organized in a series of easy-to-understand fact sheets, with links to additional information resources. Every fact sheet includes the types of radiation sources at the location, the important roles that federal, state and local governments play in protection and control, and normal steps that individuals can take to protect themselves, such as applying sun block or installing radon detectors in homes.

11:12:22 AM Google It!   

[Corporate environmental responsibility] New Report Profiles Environmental Stewardship in Major Sectors

Steel recycling has reached a 20-year high.  The number of buildings meeting green building standards doubled last year.  Paint and coating manufacturers now reclaim 97 percent of all waste solvents for further use.  The forest products sector now leads all manufacturers in use of co-generation, a highly efficient process that creates heat and electricity from a single source. These are just a few of the environmental performance trends highlighted in a new EPA report released today.

The 2006 Sector Strategies Performance Report is a joint product of EPA's partnerships with some of the nation's most important economic sectors.  Collectively, these sectors contribute nearly $2.1 trillion to the gross domestic product and $5 billion in environmental spending each year.

"Environmental responsibility is everyone's responsibility – and today I'm pleased our nation's economic leaders are taking this motto to heart," said EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson.  "By working with our partners in industry, President Bush and EPA are promoting the innovative solutions that make sense for our environmental and economic well-being."

Through EPA's Sector Strategies Program, more than 20 national trade associations – representing 12 major sectors of the U.S. economy – are working with the agency to improve their environmental performance while also reducing unnecessary administrative burden.  The participating sectors represent more than 780,000 facilities in manufacturing (cement, forest products, steel, metal casting, metal finishing, paint and coatings, shipbuilding, and specialty-batch chemical) and non-manufacturing sectors (colleges and universities, construction, ports, and agribusiness).  
Using government and industry data, as well as case study examples, the report provides a 10-year portrait of environmental performance for each sector.  It tracks each sector for their record in reducing water discharges, air emissions, waste generation, toxic chemical releases, as well as their accomplishments in recycling and energy and water efficiency.

The data reveal areas where sectors are improving and where more effort is needed to achieve environmental goals.  For example, the forest products, iron and steel, and cement sectors are some of the nation's most energy-intensive industries.  While all three registered improvements in energy efficiency over the 10-year period, their trade associations (the American Forest and Paper Association, the American Iron and Steel Institute, and the Portland Cement Association) have set industry goals that would net further energy savings and reduce greenhouse gas intensity.

The report also provides a first-time look at how EPA's Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) data can be used to target the greatest hazard reduction opportunities when managing chemicals.  EPA is using toxicity-weighted scores to show release trends for higher impact substances.  This information can serve as a tool for future strategic planning.  The 2006 report also describes how sectors are turning would-be wastes into material and energy inputs, and how trade associations are helping their members improve environmental operations.

11:08:52 AM Google It!   

[Environmental information] Get Product's Environmental Information With Greenscanner

The University of California has announced Greenscanner, a site designed to be used by mobile devices to get environmental information about products just from providing a UPC number. [Source: ResearchBuzz, 4/30/06]

11:05:27 AM Google It!   

[Energy efficiency] DOE Issues New Efficiency Testing Standards for Distribution Transformers

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced that it has published a new test procedure ruling to gauge energy efficiency in distribution transformers, which are normally placed on telephone polls or are housed underground, taking electricity from the electricity grid and supplying it to homes and commercial buildings at the required voltage.

11:00:43 AM Google It!   

[Electronics recycling] Trade Association Approves Electronics Recycling Operating Practices

The board of directors of the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries Inc. has unanimously approved the association's new electronics recycling operating practices. [Source: Environmental Protection E-News, 4/27/06]

10:57:09 AM Google It!   

[Health care industry] Heal Thyself: Health Care Looks to Heal Its Environmental Ills

GreenBiz founder Joel Makower's report on how the health-care industry is starting to green up its act. [Source: GreenBiz.com]

10:46:17 AM Google It!   

[Food industry] Food and Beverage Growers and Processors Best Practice Guide

Looking for energy-saving tips and case studies for the agriculture and food processing sectors? The California Efficiency Partnership's Flex Your Power program offers this online guide. The information-rich guide includes chapters on everything from planning an energy program to on-the-farm-energy use to lighting, boilers, and HVAC systems. Also find success stories from Mission Foods, Fetzer Vineyard, and Sara Lee, among others. [Source: GreenBiz.com]

10:42:57 AM Google It!   

[Energy efficiency] Computer Industry, EPA Mull Energy-Efficiency Metric for Servers

Representatives from Sun Microsystems, AMD, and other industry leaders met with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Lawrence Berkeley Labs at a recent working group to define a standard metric to measure energy efficiency in server technology. [Source: GreenBiz.com, 4/17/06]

10:41:04 AM Google It!   

[Environmental awards] Top Business Schools Partner on Environmental, Health, and Safety Award

The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, McAfee School of Business in Jackson, Tenn., and Whittemore School of Business and Economics at the University of New Hampshire have partnered to sponsor a new international business award for environmental, health, and safety (EH&S) management. [Source: GreenBiz.com, 4/18/06]

10:38:21 AM Google It!   

[Renewable energy]Yahoo! Energy Buy Supports Renewables Development in Silicon Valley

Global internet service leader Yahoo! has joined the Santa Clara Green Power, a voluntary renewable energy program offered to all residential, commercial, and industrial utility customers in Silicon Valley. [Source: GreenBiz.com, 4/19/06]

10:35:44 AM Google It!   

[Corporate environmental responsibility] Survey Shows Public Corporations Upping Green Initiatives While Smaller Companies Lag

A new survey shows that smaller companies are less likely that publicly traded companies to adopt formal stewardship programs because of a lack of resources. [Source: GreenBiz.com, 4/21/06]

10:33:06 AM Google It!   

[Corporate environmental responsibility] New International Business-Leadership Development Program Launched

Business for Social Responsibility, the leading U.S.-based global nonprofit business organization focusing on corporate social responsibility, has agreed to jointly develop a new leadership training program with the Global Institute For Tomorrow, an Asian think-tank. [Source: GreenBiz.com]

10:27:23 AM Google It!   

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Last update: 5/23/2006; 3:53:12 PM.