Friday, July 1, 2005

Hugo Schotman: "As iTunes doesn't allow importing of OPML podcast subscription lists, I created a little AppleScript application that does just that. (Or did I overlook the feature in my haste?)"

Thanks very much Hugo. That's one half of the equation solved (at least for the Mac). I was working on this myself but I'll move onto investigating export.

Hugo's script uses the AppleScript API built into iTunes 4.9 (documented in the iTunes AppleScript dictionary). The following very simple script demonstrates its use:

   tell application "iTunes"
      subscribe feedURL
   end tell

where feedURL is set to a string representing the URL of the podcast's RSS feed.

A similar, COM-based, API should be available in the Windows version. At the time of writing Apple's iTunes for Windows SDK has not been updated for iTunes 4.9 but presumably it will be shortly.

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