Monday, April 18, 2005

Very Cool Web Designer

Check out this designer's website.  Very cool stuff going on here..., give him some business!!!


10:07:55 PM     comment [] trackback []

Democratizing Innovation - Why Open Source Works...

Take a look at this electronic book.  It explains why open source development works...
9:24:49 PM     comment [] trackback []

New Windows XP Thin Clients being developed...

Corporate customers want to cut costs.  Hence, Microsoft is developing some thin clients, that will feature boiled-down Windows XP systems to support diskless network bootable workstations.  The smarts will be on the server..., back to centralized computing...

9:21:46 PM     comment [] trackback []

Long Range Wireless Technology - Whoopee!!!

Intel Unveils Long-Range Wireless Technology. Intel Corp. came to Washington yesterday to roll out its latest product, a computer chip designed for a new high-speed wireless technology capable of delivering broadband service over many miles.-The Washington Post By Mike Musgrove. [ - Technology]
9:16:29 PM     comment [] trackback []

User Interface Design

This is a very humorous video blog that I found while roaming around on the internet, Ian Mills at the 05 Project.

It involves a very cool new type of user interface design, heh...

9:04:09 PM     comment [] trackback []

What is Ruby on Rails?

I have been playing with this new development framework.  Many PHP programmers will not go back.  I agree, after trying some things out, this is one of the coolest programming environments out there, in spite of the hype.

Check this out from the Ruby Website:

Rails is a full-stack, open-source web framework in Ruby for writing real-world applications with joy and less code than most frameworks spend doing XML sit-ups

Being a full-stack framework means that all layers are built to work seamlessly together. That way you Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) and you can use a single language from top to bottom. Everything from templates to control flow to business logic is written in Ruby—the language of love for industry heavy-weights.

In striving for DRY compliance, Rails shuns configuration files and annotations in favor of reflection and run-time extensions.

This means the end of XML files telling a story that has already been told in code. It means no compilation phase: Make a change, see it work. Meta-data is an implementation detail left for the framework to handle.


9:01:11 PM     comment [] trackback []

What Happened to the Visionaries Essay?

Johannes Ernst's blog article about visionaries seemed to start a good conversation about what is coming down the pipe in the technology world.  Sadly, if you look at the comments, he was comment spammed after the first few comments.  In the blogging world this is a killer for conversations that could take place.  Bloggers have figured out a way around this, but still, I can't help but think about the days when I played online games and other players would come into the game with the intent of ruining someone's fun.  I realise that this is the risk that we all take in the world, but I still don't like it.  Ah well, it was an interesting read, until the comment spam...

8:45:52 PM     comment [] trackback []

LINUX Based - Archos Pocket Media Assistant PMA430 - almost everything

Look at this. This device appears to do EVERYTHING.

We are moving closer to a device that can do high-speed broadband, wireless music, video, email, instant messaging, telephone, contact list, calendar, task manager - everything.  This so far, is the device that is closest to the holy grail of techno-types everywhere at this time.

And one of the great things about it is it runs LINUX!!!

and I want one...


8:31:00 PM     comment [] trackback []

Open Space Technology - Collaborative Meetings

Open Space Technology is not for every meeting or function.  Open Space Technology is a way to have collaborative open meetings and conferences where there is an open space for everyone to contribute  Oh My God, who is in control?  The answer is, we are...

Open Space conferences have no keynote speakers, no pre-announced schedules of workshops, no panel discussions, no organizational booths. Instead, sitting in a large circle, participants learn in the first hour how they are going to create their own conference. Almost before they realize it, they become each other’s teachers and leaders.

It's chaotic and fun and creative.  Everyone under 30 understands how to function in this environment in a natura way.  Since I am an older guy, I can only stand back and marvel at the wonder of it all...

It sure would be fun to try and run a project this way.  In the corporate environment, this would produce some interesting results.

8:27:12 PM     comment [] trackback []