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Friday, March 24, 2006

The Clergy Letter Project

The Chronicle of Higher Education recently had a nice long article, which you can't read online unless you have a subscription, titled "On the Front Lines in the War Over Evolution".  It's in the March 10, 2006 issue.  The scientific community is finally realizing the need to network with non-scientists, to do grassroots work, and especially to build alliances with clergy. 

Michael Zimmerman, dean of the College of Letters and Science at the University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh, recently found supporters numbering in the thousands in the Christian religious community. Mr. Zimmerman leads an effort that to date has gathered 10,300 members of the clergy to sign a letter supporting the teaching of evolution.

Yay for Dr. Zimmerman and for all the clergy who have signed this letter!  Go here to learn more about the clergy letter project. 

What do our friends at the Discovery Institute, generals in the ID assault on science, have to say about this?

The Discovery Institute, however, discounts the clergy letter. "Religion is irrelevant to the issue," says Robert L. Crowther II, director of communications for the institute. The beliefs of clergy members, he says, do not alter the evidence for intelligent design in DNA and biological cells.

That would be a fine response except that there is no evidence for intelligent design

But here's something that will make you really sad.  According to the Chronicle article,

Aside from the recent legal battles, educators point to several other signs troubling them about evolutionary education in the United States. For example, in a study published last year, Randy Moore, a professor of biology at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, reported that 20 percent of the biology teachers he surveyed in Minnesota include creationism in their classes and believe that it is scientifically valid.

Last year Ms. Froschauer's organization polled more than 1,000 science teachers, asking whether they felt pressure to teach alternatives to evolution. About 30 percent reported that they did get pressure, mainly from parents and students.

It really is a war out there.  If you think college campuses are immune, think again. 

The intelligent-design movement is spreading to higher education, with some colleges offering courses on the topic and clubs sprouting up on different campuses. The Intelligent Design and Evolution Awareness Center, in San Diego, has 24 chapters at colleges and universities across the United States, including Cornell and the University of California at Berkeley.

The supporters of intelligent design are also moving beyond evolution to other areas of research that might mesh well with their guiding philosophy of a creative entity that manifests itself in nature. As its long-term goal, the Discovery Institute has vowed to push what it calls design theory beyond biology and cosmology into such fields as psychology, ethics, philosophy, and the fine arts.

In future posts, I'd like to talk a little about what other goodies we can expect from design theory, and some of the other fun stuff its proponents have going on right now besides trampling evolution. 


4:56:17 PM    comment [] trackback []

American Inventor - Women as Theater

It was really tough to miss an all-new episode of "My Name Is Earl" AND "The Office" but I had to give American Inventor another go. 

To the "inventor" of the Naughty Knot Bra:  I believe you belong in the Eighth Circle of Hell for Pimping and Seducing.  It is bad enough when men exploit women as mindless sex objects.  It seems somehow more insulting when it's a woman leading the way for the objectification of another woman.  And to objectify a woman under the guise of inventing - well, there is no freakin' way Zuska can put up with that.  I am afraid that the producers of American Inventor also have to be banished to the Eighth Circle of Hell, for not only did they include this distasteful moment in the actual show, it was part of the ad trailer for the show played over and over and over leading up to this week's episode.  And the three white male judges who sat there with stupid grins on their faces looking at the pathetic topless made me think, yeah, respectable businessmen my ass.  Horny adolescence - that's the developmental stage at which your growth halted.   

So, women are going to function as theater, as spectacle, as a "bit of fun" on this show.  Why should I have expected otherwise?  Why was I so stupid to have hoped for a show that would actually focus on the potential for creativity across the nation?  Even when women are coming up with the best ideas, like Sharon Clemmins' bathroom door clip.  That was so sweet.  I would love to see that thing on the market, so that the next time I go into a public restroom and none of the door locks are working, I can just whip out my Clemminator and voila!  No straining to reach and hold the bottom of the door shut while balancing precariously...okay you get the picture.  Seriously, that is one sweet idea.  

Side note:  is it me, or does it seem to you that the majority of non-white males have to choke up and get all emotional and demonstrate how noble and deserving they are because they've put so much into their dream, in order for the white judges to give them a "yes"?  In other words, make themselves appear not too threatening?  Maybe it's just me.  Hmmm...       

4:32:20 PM    comment [] trackback []

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