Engineering/Science/Gender Equity
This category deals with issues relating to gender equity in engineering and science education and in the engineering and science workforce. Broadly speaking, anything touching on recruitment, retention, and the culture of the workplace or the learning environment are fair game here.

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Monday, July 18, 2005

We knew they were screwing us...

...We just didn't know how. 

A source inside a Global 50 corporation gave me the scoop this past weekend on how such companies handle their recruiting for higher level executive positions.  An executive search firm is retained.  The search firm is informed of the hiring company's desires regarding the qualifications of a successful candidate.  Often these qualifications include criteria which, if expressed openly in an interview, would violate one or more federal EEO laws.

Example:  "We're looking for an experienced man, but not too old, from a Tier I university.  Maybe a woman would be okay." 

The search firm does the dirty work, the company keeps their hands clean, and continues to mouth platitudes about the value of diversity while keeping the old boy network intact. 

And you wondered why the glass ceiling seems so difficult to break. 

3:56:00 PM    comment []

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