Tom Edelson's Songline
Writing about computers, life, and society from the perspective of a "poly Quaker Taoist" living in the Triangle region of North Carolina.

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Friday, June 8, 2007

It's been quite a while since I last added anything to this blog.  But no, I'm not drifting into one of those really long gaps, of six months or so.  I'm determined to keep posting a heck of a lot more frequently than that, though the average time between posts may be greater than it was during this past spring.

What's making me busier?  Well, I am making some progress on coding the Moneydance extension promised in my last post.  However, the biggest change is something less predictable than that.

My good friend Jim is in jail.  He's been there about a week, and will be there for six months.

It wasn't a complete surprise.  He was not, for example, arrested on the street and taken directly to jail.  About two weeks ago, he got something in the mail from a court in Minnesota, ordering him to report about a week later to a county facility there.  And so he did.  (Jim, like I, lives in the Raleigh area of North Carolina.)

And the letter wasn't a complete surprise to him, when he got it, either.  He'd had a hearing some months ago, and he knew that this was a possible [worst case] outcome.  He'll be locked up for six months because he's been held in contempt of court.

I may have gotten you curious: what is this case actually about?  If so, I apologize, but I'm not going to answer that.  I said as much as I did only to give a bit of the flavor of it as an experience for him, and for me: that it was sudden, but not extremely sudden; also that it's a civil, not a criminal matter.

All this doesn't explain how his being incarcerated leads to my being busier.  I plan on addressing that in my next post.

4:02:30 PM    comment []

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