The holiday season had my knitting needles in a blur as I made several pairs of wool hiking socks to give to friends. I also completed a sock monkey hat/scarf/mitten ensemble for my youngest daughter:

She is very attached to them. When her three year old cousin saw her in the hat at Christmas, she said "Oh my Gosh! I love your hat for you!". Very cute.
My eldest daughter loves the Potter Puppet Pals (if you haven't seen this slice of pop culture, go to the link and click on the "Mysterious Ticking Noise"). A photo of the Potter Puppet Pals is below (its a blurry photograph, but it shows them all together...go to the link to see better images of the individual puppets):

My daughter loves the Potter Puppet Pals so much, I spent many hours in December making her a set of as-identical-as-I-could-make-them puppets for her Christmas present:

(yeah, I know I got Ron and Snape's hair sue me) Despite the mirror-image hair, my daughter loves them and enjoys putting on puppet shows (not shown are the props like wands and rods to move their arms that were included in the set I made her). Her friends are also wild about them. Dumbledore's clothes come off, which is important, which anyone who knows anything about the Potter Puppet Pals knows.
Voldemort frequently scares the bejeezus out of me when my daughter sets him up so he is peering over the shower curtain at me as I am taking a shower, and she patiently waits until I notice (or she has him peering around the kitchen doorway as I am making dinner, and patiently waits until I get startled out of my wits). I swear this is going to give me a heart attack one of these days.