Saturday, June 26, 2004

Forbes says Greensboro is slightly less boring for single people than it was last year, although we did rank worst in terms of cultural life.

Here's a hint for the editors in New York: your culture rankings include sports teams, and we don't seem to get any credit for the ACC tourney, Wake Forest hoops, or proximity to the Triangle (NHL, ACC) and Charlotte (NFL, NBA), the latter two being easier to reach from Greensboro than, say, Yankee Stadium is from the New Jersey suburbs...

We actually do have some momentum, and I bet we move up that dumb list in years to come.

4:51:41 PM    comment []

Sam Hieb is fact-checking county commissioner Linda Shaw at his blog. 

David Hoggard's blog is seeding the Rhino with story ideas. When I make a mistake at this site, the correction might come from a senior N&R editor.

Media and political types in Guilford County are hip to local blogs. They are reading them. Other readers and writers will follow. We are at the cusp of something very interesting here.

8:33:57 AM    comment []

Kristof: "The ongoing genocide in Darfur is finally, fortunately, making us uncomfortable. At this rate, with only 250,000 more deaths it will achieve the gravitas of the Laci Peterson case."

8:09:03 AM    comment []