Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Is NC really in play? MyDD reports that Zogby says it, er, we are.

Kerry is acting like it might be. He's coming to Charlotte on Friday.

The N&R's Eric Dyer reports: "John Kerry will visit North Carolina later this week, his second appearance in the state since naming John Edwards as his running mate...He and Edwards held a rally last month in Raleigh, drawing a crowd at N.C. State estimated to be between 19,000 and 25,000."

9:38:02 PM    comment []

Vernon Robinson reportedly concedes to Virginia Foxx in the NC 5th congressional district GOP primary runoff.

A victory for decency, although it probably means the district will remain Republican in November.

WXII   WSJS   Forsyth County   W-S Journal

9:19:05 PM    comment []

Toward a bloggier White House...

...now why not try a bloggier weblog?

8:55:12 PM    comment []

Onion: Homosexual Tearfully Admits To Being Governor Of New Jersey

5:28:34 PM    comment []

I plan to post a list and blogroll of conference participants -- if any of you pseudonymous bloggers do NOT want to be listed by your real name, please email me.

5:20:06 PM    comment []

O-Dub has some wild stuff on the Regnery publishing family and the all-white dating service of heir William Regnery II.

5:13:40 PM    comment []

Chapel Hill town councilwoman Sally Greene is coming to the Piedmont Blog un-Conference.

4:51:17 PM    comment []

Ken Layne: The God of War, Death & Madness

Layne's thesis: the swift-boat obsessives are going to help get John Kerry elected. "You people can't stop reminding everybody that Kerry was in Vietnam, taking lives like your boy eats cookies. Killing people, saving people, holding Life & Death in his hands like a savage gift...Kerry is a death's head of gruesome power, while your Bush hides in Alabama, a scared little girl."

I don't know if I buy it, but it's pretty damn funny.

Via Jeff Jarvis, who is getting hell  for linking to it from his commenters, many of whom seem to come to him Instapundit (with whom he bonded on anti-terrorism matters) and see red when they figure out that Jeff has some opinions of his own.

4:45:31 PM    comment []

Nelson Johnson tells the N&R's Jim Schlosser that "discussions and consultations" about a commemorative march to mark the anniversay of the 1979 Klan/Nazi killings have been taking place, but "the process is not complete."

Hmm. You can see from this letter why Schlosser felt comfortable with his story.

I did not provide this letter to the N&R, by the way, nor was I asked to.

1:50:36 PM    comment []

Ranting Prof Cori Dauber is coming to the Piedmont Blog un-Conference. She might be catching a ride from Chapel Hill with Eric Muller -- now that's a conversation I'd like to hear...

I may have to pull the trigger on the larger venue. Matt McWilliams, John Hood, AnonyMoses...in or out?

School board and City Council and county commissioners -- just hit "reply" on those emails and let me know...please.

1:30:58 PM    comment []

Muller catches Malkin in what seems to be a factual error in this morning's USA Today -- she says somebody says something they did not say, at least in the documented example Muller provides. Perhaps Malkin has a different example in mind? If so, she'll no doubt post it in her long-promised defense of her book...

Update: Ain't no perhaps about it, says Muller, albeit more grammatically: "[Malkin] told me in an email...that the O'Reilly excerpt was the basis for her assertion."

10:20:35 AM    comment []

Hoggard and Board of Education candidate Bill Davidson are duking it out at Hoggard's blog and elsewhere on the Web.

8:43:27 AM    comment []

"Welcome to The Lex Files, the News & Record's second staff-written blog." Veteran GSO blogger Lex Alexander launches a blog on company time.

8:18:30 AM    comment []

I'm investigating a larger venue for the NC blog conference to be held 8/28.

My conference room holds 25, and can squeeze in 30, and we're at 20 as of this moment, what with Eric Muller signing on, with 6 strong maybes and one possible special guest from afar...

I emailed the whole school board last night, and sent follow-up email to the GSO City Council and Guilford County commissioners...I don't know if anyone from the N&R or Rhino plans to attend, as journalists or blogophiles or both, but of course they are welcome...

8:02:59 AM    comment []