Nancy B. King
Thoughts About Investing in Common Stocks and Living Life in an Ordinary Way


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Sunday, November 8, 2009

I'm Back

How many times have I said that, only to disappear again. "I'm back!" tends to end up in the same heap as my New Year's resolutions.

In the meantime, as the president of the Alaska Chapter of BetterInvesting, I led (with the help of all Chapter Directors) the fall Investor Education Fair (September 26th). The all-day event at the Millennium Hotel involved 4 beginning investor sessions, 4 advanced investor sessions, and a luncheon speaker. Allen Holdsworth, a regional Director for the national BetterInvesting organization presented the advanced sessions and gave the luncheon address. He was an excellent presenter with a vast array of knowledge. It was great to become acquainted with him and his wife, Anne. Between Thursday and Monday evening we had many stimulating conversations.

My tenure as president of the Alaska Chapter of BetterInvesting ended October 3rd. I decided I did not have the time I needed to do a quality job for the usual 3rd year. A new president was duly elected and is adeptly leading the Chapter.

During September and October, I gave 30 hours of lectures between three Tuesday and Thursday evenings and three all day Saturdays. My two classes were Economics, Stocks and the Stock Market plus Introduction to Stocks through UAA and the Alaska Council on Economic Education. I had top notch people in both classes---enthusiastic about the background content and 'turned on' by learning how to do basic stock analysis to determine quality companies for long-term investments. I have their projects checked and graded, grades turned in, course materials sorted and some rejuvenated, and everything filed, put away, and ready to use again this spring.

The Stock Market Game Program is going well---9 schools, 11 teachers, 145 teams with nearly 700 students. I have spent time in two of the high school classes. Outstanding teaching is going on. Students are learning economic concepts and obtaining hands-on experience with the financial markets. They are learning the characteristics of a quality company for long-term investing. Trading and short-term investing is not part of their vocabulary. For some students this may be the only hands-on experience with investing they might otherwise have.

Now, I am back volunteering for the Anchorage Concert Association, doing small, short-term projects for the BetterInvesting Alaska Chapter, tutoring my two dyslexic students, and managing my own portfolio. In other words, things are back to normal.


This first snowfall of the season here at our house!
9:31:04 PM    comment []

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Last update: 12/1/09; 8:18:01 PM.

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