Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Re: Open Source To Microsoft's Rescue?

I read Joe Panettieri's musings on why Microsoft needs open source software with interest.

The line  "Microsoft's Windows empire was built upon third-party application support" made me view the article in a subtly different light. 

I think Joe is actually claiming that third party application support for Windows has withered. Perhaps because Microsoft has successfully out-competed most of their third-party vendors? 

Regardless, I just can't see Microsoft promoting OS independent open source applications. So is Joe simply adding fuel to the Microsoft is dead fire?

My take is that Microsoft is well and healthy, and will remain so as long as they can keep their revenue stream from OEM's flowing. The Internet allows us software developers to create third-party applications that are reachable and usable by anyone with a web browser. So in a way the missing third-party applications are actually there, just making a healthy Microsoft to be currently irrelevant.


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5:26:46 PM