Saturday, December 10, 2005 |
Actually, the Siemens press release almost sounded like it came from Ohio Governor Bob Taft's office. (Bob is the son and grandson of Ohio US Senators and great-grandson of a US President and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, but to me he looks like Ernie on My Three Sons.) Ohio, like most states, aggressively pursues tax breaks for companies building or expanding within its boundaries. This is an economic situation that forever puzzles me. Companies expect an educated workforce, sites developed with adequate utilities and highway access, fire and police protection, but they don't want to pay for them--expecting to get exemption from paying as many taxes that support those things as possible. Oh well, modern competition to get jobs into the state. Anyway, thanks Siemens for staying in Ohio.
Despite what Dick Morley says about people not wanting manufacturing in their areas, Ohio actively brings manufacturing in. We appreciate it. As a matter of fact, I just saw Lew Blackford, director of the West Ohio Development Council at lunch this week. Reminds me of a challenge I'll make to Dick Morley and his friend and Automaiton World columnist Jim Pinto. If they ever whine about the Not in my backyard reason for manufacturing decline in the US, they can visit here outside of Dayton, Ohio. I'll take them around and show them the real world and treat them to dinner. Ought to change their minds about economic development.
10:50:09 AM
Saw an announcement from Siemens Energy & Automation that it is investing about $30 million in an existing plant down the road from me in Norwood, Ohio. The facility will become both a motor manufacturing facility and a center of research and development for Siemens. $7 million will go toward facility expansion and $22 million will be invested in capital equipment. The announcement brought many Siemens executives to Ohio. By expanding and redesigning the facility, Siemens will develop a more efficient and productive manufacturing plant. Construction is expected to begin in January, 2006, and be completed within three years.
10:45:18 AM
I haven't heard anything out of Sealevel Systems for a long time. Just saw a press release where they claim to have the first RoHS compliant PCI bus digital I/O card. This announcement is part of the beginning of a wave of RoHS announcements. RoHS (usually pronounced roh-hass) is a European Union directive on the disposal of hazardous waste--such as that found in printed circuit boards.
10:15:33 AM
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