Tuesday, January 17, 2006 |
I've been researching manufacturing software in order to define articles and make writing assignments (one to me) for our April issue. Trying to define what's happening in the software world and come up with 2-3 interesting article topics is always tough and takes me several weeks of off-and-on thinking. So I came up with at least 4 ideas and can use 3 at the most. Look for more software coverage interspersed with other topics during the year. Now, I can catch up on some news that's been accumulating.
This report from the National Association of Manufacturers says that US manufacturing created new jobs for the third consecutive month in December. NAM's chief economist David Huether said the sector's 18,000 new jobs "constitute the single biggest upturn in 16 months."
Huether believes that high energy prices and the after effects of Hurricane Katrina have slowed the economy's momentum. He expects a "soft patch" in the first quarter of 2006 before stronger growth as more Gulf Coast energy production comes back on line.
I guess that's some of our Automation World readers working on that. How's it going down there? Reports I saw immediately following the hurricane showed the heroic efforts of automation people in the region protecting and then re-starting production. Kudos to all of you.
1:31:44 PM
Here's an interesting item from Datastick Systems. A PDA-based vibration analyzer for machine diagnostics, the VSA-1212 Vibration Spectrum Analyzer uses off-the-shelf ICP-type piezoelectric accelerometers for machine condition monitoring, predictive maintenance and routine troubleshooting. The system includes an analyzer module that attaches to PDAs running Palm OS, software for the handheld device that collects measurements and displays them in time waveform and FFT spectra and a reporting system for the desktop PC that integrates the handheld data with a Microsoft Excel workbook.
I've seen a few attempts to bring Palms into a manufacturing environment. I wouldn't be surprised to see more products appear.
1:17:35 PM
Coming home from the gym yesterday, I was stopped at an intersection to allow the annual Martin Luther King day parade to pass. It brought a twinge to my conscience. There was a time when I'd have been there, probably even leading it. Guess I burned out on "causes" a long time ago. I just believe in bring forth the vision of treating every human being with dignity and giving respect and opportunity to each individual based upon their character one person at a time. As German writer Thomas Mann once said, If everyone sweeps in front of their own house, the whole world would be clean. At any rate, it was an opportune time to pause in the midst of a busy day and reflect on the progress we've made and the distance yet to go.
1:06:08 PM
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