Updated: 11/1/06; 6:03:18 PM.
Gary Mintchell's Feed Forward
Manufacturing and Leadership.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Tips for speakers
This is a great set of ideas for speakers--and writers. Try it at your next conference.

Better Beginnings: how to start a presentation, book, article.... You are in a dimly lit room. You are alone on a stage before an audience of 1,000. 10 minutes into your presentation, your hands no longer shake or sweat. This is going well, you think. But just then you... [Creating Passionate Users]
11:55:03 AM    comment []

The wedding's over
Well, the wedding's over and boy, do I have a lot of Rewards points to use from the credit card! Heather got her wish for an outdoor wedding. October leaves on a nicely kept golf course, rain coming in. Her pilot brother had been watching the weather map all day. Said the rain pattern had been stationary for hours. So I tracked it on my Treo. So, at crunch time for the decision, we told her to go for it. Oops, the weather started to move east. We got a few sprinkles at the beginning of the ceremony. The minister sped things up a little, and the last guest was safely back in the building just before the rains came. So Derek and I weren't the goats of the wedding. Just Chicago traffic that made about 10 guests late for the ceremony. Great time was had by all. One of my nephews has an 11 year old daughter who dearly wanted to go out and dance, so the old guy was out there with her for an hour. Made her evening and kept me out of trouble.

This week is Rockwell week. Jane Gerold and I will be in Baltimore covering Automation Fair. We have several high level interviews, so we should be able to get some news of Rockwell's direction for the coming year. Plus, I have over 6 hours of sessions with various product and service groups. Sounds like I'll be busy and out of trouble. Somewhere in there I'll finish my wireless article and get the rest of November issue out the door. Some really interesting networking information in that one.

7:10:54 AM    comment []

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