Updated: 1/18/2005; 4:07:40 PM.
Talk about computers, hardware, networking, you name it.

Friday, December 03, 2004

The NevoSL WiFi-enabled universal remote. NevoSL universal remote

HP’s x3715 Mobile Media Companion iPAQ Pocket PC already comes pre-installed with their Nevo univeral remote software, but Universal Electronics has decided to live up to the “electronics” part of their name and get into the hardware game with a Pocket PC-powered universal remote control of their own. The NevoSL sports a 3.5-inch LCD touchscreen, 17 dedicated control buttons, and perhaps most importantly, built-in 802.11b WiFi, which you can use to download stuff like new macros, IR codes, and program listings directly off of the Internet.

[Via eHomeUpgrade. Thanks, VoodooRay]

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iPod®. Meet Bose. Introduce your iPod® to Bose, then listen to the new SoundDock™.
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