Quake2 Ported to Java, Play Via the Web.
casemon writes "Quake2 fans unite! Thanks to German software developer
ByTonic software, you can now play Quake2 via the web with Jake2 a java
port of ID Softwares seminal Quake2. ByTonic claims performance is
similar to original C version. From the Jake2 website; "Jake2 is a Java
3D game engine. It is a port of the GPL'd Quake2 game engine from
idSoftware. To use the Jake2 engine you need either the data files from
the original game or from the demo version available for download from
ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com." You actually don't need to get the data
files, they've set it up to automatically download the 38Mb demo assets
using WebStart. Just click the Play Now button and away you go. Most
features supported, even multiplayer server!"