Updated: 3/13/2006; 10:38:25 AM.
Talk about computers, hardware, networking, you name it.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Standard Browser Keyboard Shortcuts.

Microsoft's Internet Explorer Blog recently posted a great list of keyboard shortcuts for the upcoming IE7. What makes it even greater, however, is that almost all of the shortcuts work identically in Firefox. In the interest of brevity, I tested every shortcut and pared down the list to only the keyboard shortcuts that work the same in both browsers:

Standard toolbar buttons

Alt + left, or Shift + Mousewheel up


Alt + right, or Shift + Mousewheel down




Ctrl + F5

Force Reload (no cache)



Alt + Home


Address Bar

Alt + D

Set focus to Address Bar

Ctrl + Enter

Add "www." and ".com" prefix to Address Bar

Alt + Enter

Open Address Bar location in a new tab


Ctrl + 1

Switch to n-th tab (1..9)

Ctrl + Tab

Switch to next tab

Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Switch to previous tab

Ctrl + W, or Middle Click tab

Close current tab

Ctrl + T, or double-click empty tab area

Open new tab in the foreground

Ctrl + Left Click, or Middle Click

Open clicked link in a new background tab

Ctrl + Shift + Left Click

Open clicked link in a new tab, and set focus to it


Ctrl + +, or Ctrl + Mousewheel down

Make font size larger (or Zoom in IE7)

Ctrl + -, or Ctrl + Mousewheel up

Make font size smaller (or Zoom in IE7)

Ctrl + 0

Set to default font size / zoom


Scroll down

Shift + Space

Scroll up


Ctrl + D

Add current site to Favorites

Ctrl + I

Open Favorites pane

Ctrl + H

Open History pane


Ctrl + E

Set focus to search box

Alt + Enter

Perform search in new tab

Ctrl + down

Change search box provider

There are only a handful of truly unique IE7 keyboard shortcuts. It's good to see the IE7 team adopting the keyboard shortcuts already in Firefox rather than making up their own.

[Coding Horror]

11:15:43 AM    comment []

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