Tuesday, April 18, 2006 |
The gods are telling me I need to work at home.
"Building an Asterisk@Home Test Lab". O’Reilly Linux DevCenter Blog - Building an Asterisk@Home Test Lab
how to build an Asterisk@Home test lab.This series is also a good howto
for setting up a small production Asterisk iPBX on the cheap. This
three-part series is aimed at both telephony and Linux noobs. If you
understand computer networking basics, this is just the Asterisk howto
you need to get up and running. Not only for a test lab, but also a
small production system. The series covers installation, what hardware
to use, how to set up local extensions and automatic call routing, how
to connect to the outside world, and how to replace the Asterisk@Home
logo with your own custom logo.
VoIPowering your Office with Asterisk - Building a Test Lab, Part 1 VoIPowering your Office with Asterisk-Building a Test Lab, Part 2 VoIPowering your Office with Asterisk-Building a Test Lab, Part 3 " (Leached in full, but with Part 1 & 3 links fixed)
so want a home PBX. We have a new multi-handset 5.8ghz phone system
with digital answering machine which is pretty cool (as a call comes in
it does text-to-speech on the incoming caller ID’ed phone number...
so we don’t even have to screen the call to know we don’t want to
pick it up... ;)
But still, it’s just not a cool as a home PBX could be.
The problem is that the SAF (Spouse Acceptance Factor) is pretty low in relation to a home PBX though... sigh...
Related Past Post XRef: "Running Asterisk@Home Under Windows" Build Your Own PBX with Asterisk@Home. Also Asterisk@Home 2.1 Has Been Released... Free eBook "Asterisk: The Future of Telephony"
By noemail@noemail.org (Greg). [Greg's Cool [Insert Clever Name] of the Day]
2:44:06 PM
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