Updated: 7/31/2006; 1:23:10 PM.
Talk about computers, hardware, networking, you name it.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Boost Your Internet Speed - Free!.

You can probably do two things, right now, to boost your Internet speed. They’re simple, they’re trusted, and they’re palpable changes:

  1. Open yourself to OpenDNS. They have configuration pages for your OS or hardware router. Both Scott Beale (LaughingSquid) and I have seen dramatic differences in speed since going through their DNS servers. Matt’s happy about it, too. My speed difference was probably even more dramatic, considering I’ve already implemented my second recommendation…
  2. If you’re on Windows, install FastCache: “Every time you go to a new website, or a website you haven’t been to in a day or so, your computer needs to locate the server again using DNS. Each DNS request can take anywhere from 50 milliseconds, to even a second or more, but most are in the 100 to 200 millisecond range. Want to save a couple hundred milliseconds? Probably not, but what about a couple million or more? That’s what AnalogX FastCache is all about.” I’ve been running FastCache since Mark released it on the first Helpathon. My stats are somewhat stunted, but I’ve saved 6d 18h 27m 53s worth of time (in 118w). It really adds up.

If you use a news aggregator, either one (or both) of these solutions is mandatory. Do not pass Go - do not spend $200. It’s all free for the taking.

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[Chris Pirillo]
9:26:28 AM    comment []

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