JOSSO: The Open Source Single Sign-On Project
I have spent quite a bit of time figuring out how to SSO enable applications developed in PHP, Java, and ColdFusion using the SSO implementation provided with OracleAS 10g (and Oracle 9iAS before it). A recent reader (Gianluca Brigandi) of my BLOG requested that I also mention JOSSO. JOSSO, or Java Open Single Sign-On, is an open source J2EE-based SSO infrastructure aimed to provide a solution for centralized platform neutral user authentication (this sentence was borrowed from the JOSSO site). It provides most of the same features that the other commercial SSO vendor supply. I've decided to see how it works. I think it would be worth every ones time to check it out. The URL for the JOSSO site is . This could prove useful for OracleAS 10g implementations where SSO might be required, but the larger Infrastructure implementation is not required or desired.
I personallty think Oracle has done a fantastic job with it's SSO implementation and integration, but there is definately room out there for alternate solutions! Open Source software keeps everyone on their toes and moving forward.
I want to note also, the JOSSO can be used to SSO enable PHP applications as detailed on the JOSSO site:
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