OracleAS 10G R2 Installation Issues
I spent some time this weekend installing OracleAS 10g R2 on my Linux box (running SUSE 9.3 Professional Edition). I came across an interesting and frustrating error when the installer got to the OPMN OHS configuration in the final phase of the installation. I got an error similar to the following:
Error --> Process (pid=<PID>) failed to start a managed process after the maximum retry limit Log: <ORACLE_HOME>/opmn/logs/HTTP_Server~1
Configuration assistant "OPMN Configuration Assistant" failed
In <ORACLE_HOME>/opmn/logs/HTTP_Server~1 : <ORACLE_HOME>/Apache/Apache/bin/apachectl start: execing httpd
The error log in /Apache/Apache/logs directory had only the following error:
<ORACLE_HOME>/apache/apache/logs/ overwritten -- Unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?
Not very helpful error messages! I did some searching on Metalink (and Google) and found references to the issue, but no answers (as usual J).
Anyway, I found the issue. Here is the solution as I posted it in the Oracle forum for OHS:
This error only seems to occur if you are installing the OracleAS 10g R2 Infrastructure with the Oracle Certificate Authority option. The error seems to be somewhere in the ocm_apache.conf file. I spent about an hour troubleshooting this issue this weekend. I did an install on Suse 9.3 Professional and hit this issue. I had chosen OCA as an install option. I noticed that if I commented out the oracle_apache.conf reference in httpd.conf file OHS would start up with no problem. I tracked the issue in the oracle_apache.conf file to the ocm_apache.conf file. I was unable to determine which specific portion of the conf file was the issue. It may have to do with a package that included with the SuSe distribution related to SSL. I blew away my Infrastructure install and re-installed without the OCA option. The error did not occur the second time (no OCA option).
Another error I encountered had to do with a false report that OPMN had not started. I received a gray popup indicating that the OPMN manager had failed to start. This was a false report by the installer. I opened a terminal window and navigated to the $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin and executed opmnctl start which told me that the process was already running. I checked the installation log and noticed that the installer had located the process running, but the subsequent check for the ons.log had a ',' in it's request. Looks like they parsed the return to their query incorrectly. Anyway, all I had to do was choose the 'Continue' option in the gray dialogue box and everything ran smoothly (until I hit the error mentioned at the start of this entry).
12:21:20 PM