Oracle Project Raptor
I was kind of excited yesterday morning when I opened my email from Oracle Technology Network and noticed that there was new product to play with! The product is called Project Raptor (here after refered to as 'Raptor'). Raptor is a GUI tool for browsing and creating database objects, creating and running SQL and PL/SQL scripts. Raptor was built on the JDeveloper framework, so it was very easy to get up and running with it. The product is reminiscent of the old Enterprise Manager, but with a much better interface. The product also offers some of the same features we TOAD users have come to rely on such as a script results windows, a DBMS OUTPUT window with buffer size control, an EXPLAIN PLAN feature for tuning, and even an OWA Output section that will display the HTML code generated by your HTP and OWA package procedures and functions. The only thing that TOAD has over Raptor at this point (in my opinion), is the ability to export query results in XLS format (Excel Spreadsheet). Raptor does have several SQL result export formats that are cool, such as XML, Insert script, text file, and CSV (which is sort of in Excel format). Overall, I give it a thumbs up! If you haven't downloaded it yet, I strongly encourage you to do so. Remember, this product is still in pre-production status. It will be bundled with JDeveloper in the future.
Here is the link:Project Raptor
8:37:54 AM