Recursive PL/SQL String Parser
In an earlier blog entry, I posted a PL/SQL package called StringTools. This package contained a routine called getListElement that would let a user retrieve the nth element in a delimited string. The routine uses iteration (iterates over the passed string until the desired element at position 'n' is located) to get the desired list element. I was bored today, so I decided to write a variation of that function that uses recursion instead of iteration. The recursive version has only eleven lines of code (not counting variable declarations and block declaration tokens). It's fast and useful!
Here is the code ... give it a try!
Recursive PL/SQL function that returns the nth element in a delimited String. The default delimiter is a ',' (comma) and the level indicator defaults to 0.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getStringElement(p_string VARCHAR2, p_element NUMBER, p_delimiter VARCHAR2 := ',', p_level NUMBER := 0) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
v_string VARCHAR2(2000) := NULL; v_element VARCHAR2(2000) := NULL;
v_level NUMBER(4) := 0;
v_level := p_level + 1;
v_element := substr(p_string||p_delimiter,1,instr(p_string||p_delimiter,p_delimiter)-1);
IF ((v_level >= p_element) OR (v_element IS NULL AND v_next != p_delimiter)) THEN
RETURN v_element;
v_string := substr(p_string||p_delimiter,instr(p_string||p_delimiter,p_delimiter)+1,length(p_string));
RETURN getStringElement(v_string,p_element,p_delimiter,v_level);
END; /
The statement:
SELECT getStringElement('This is an interesting test of recursion in PL/SQL',7,' ') from dual;
will return the value "recursion".
5:59:55 PM