Updated: 5/29/04; 12:09:24 AM.
Trawler Transat
Weblog of Georgs Kolesnikovs, the only journalist crewing on all three legs of Nordhavn Atlantic Rally 2004, the first-ever trans-Atlantic cruise in company for powerboats. The first leg runs 930 nautical miles from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to Hamilton. Bermuda. The longest leg is the 1,815 nm from Bermuda to Horta, Faial, Azores. The final leg to Marina Bay, Gibraltar, is 1,125 nm. The total distance is about 3,870 nm.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Quote of the day:

"My husband is having a middle-life crisis, and he was invited me to join him."

--Teri Strickland of the Nordhavn 47 Strickly for Fun, speaking about husband Scott Strickland
11:15:25 PM    comment []

I'm in Fort Lauderdale, aboard the Nordhavn 62 Autumn Wind, for the first leg to Bermuda. Weather permitting, we'll be departing Sunday at 1600 hours.

The first posts will be tests of my attempts to configure Radio, the software that runs this weblog, so that I can post by email from any one of the three boats I'll be aboard for the rally.

In the meantime, check out the links on the right, especially the first one which will enable you to keep track of our progress across the pond. The three boats I'll be on are Autumn Wind for Leg 1, Strickly for Fun for Leg 2, and Satchmo for Leg 3.
10:45:14 AM    comment []

© Copyright 2004 Georgs Kolesnikovs.
May 2004
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