Scobleizer Weblog

Daily Permalink Sunday, October 07, 2001

Dori Smith on how to build a Mac clone. Evan didn't know you could do this, neither did I.   [Scripting News] Don't worry Dave, neither did I.

Bob Brinker: "Because investing is a personal decision, you must have investments that allow you to sleep at night. Everyone needs to know their risk tolerance. Risk is an important factor to be calculated because only with risk will one be able to generate a large return."

Brinker is one of my favorite investment experts to listen to. He nailed it when in January, 2000, he said to move from stocks to cash. I've been listening to him for 11 years on KGO Radio and he's been right much more than he's been wrong. He's a pretty conservative adviser, but that's what you want when it comes to your investments. Most people would do well to listen to his advice.

Pictures from the Palo Alto Apple Store [MacCentral] I wish I went there, but I couldn't get away due to family and work issues. Other reports say there were 200 people in line. So Silicon Valley!

I remember the day that I met John Fry in the Sunnyvale Fry's Electronics store on the day that opened. I waited in line 10 minutes to get to a checkout counter and there were 80 of them, all open! Now that's a business.

Just playing with themes.

Barry Bonds is the man. 73 homeruns. I hope he comes back to San Francisco next year, but I have a feeling that he'll want $20 million and the Giants simply can't afford that.

WaSP to W3C: Remember your Charter and Mission  [Scripting News] -- good to see WaSP taking another stand.

A First Look at Visual J# for .NET. Microsoft's JUMP to .NET promises tools to migrate Java programs to C# as well as support for the Java SDK class library. When news of Visual J# reached my ears, I had to check it out and put it through a few paces. [Meerkat: An Open Wire Service] Here's an interesting "first look" at the code on O'Reilly's site.

Major coolness. My Radio Weblog is up and running. It'll be different from the Scobleizer in that this site will have a lot more postings from other sites.

Microsoft plans a Java.NET []. Yeah, and it's OUT! Sneak leak from Here's more details:

Interesting leak. ActiveWin reported it too, but has a bad link.


Microsoft silently released / leaked:
J#.NET - Visual JSharp .NET Version 7.0 Beta 1

Sys Req.:

- Visual Studio .NET Beta2 (7.0.9254.0) English (US)
- Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional
download 7,056 kb

NOTE: says release date: 11 Oct 2001, so is this a leak?
I tested on XP2600, integrates seemless into Studio,
including documentation to MSDN.NET !
I have J# 'Hello World' running !!!!

Welcome to Beta 1 of Microsoft Visual J# .NET.

Microsoft Visual J# .NET is a development tool that developers who are familiar with the java-language syntax can use to build applications and services on the .NET Framework. It integrates the java-language syntax into the Visual Studio .NET shell. Microsoft Visual J# .NET also supports the functionality found in VJ++ 6.0 including Microsoft extensions. Microsoft Visual J# .NET is not a tool for developing applications intended to run on a Java Virtual Machine. Applications and services built with Visual J# .NET will run only in the .NET Framework. Visual J# .NET has been independently developed by Microsoft. It is not endorsed or approved by Sun Microsystems, Inc.

October 2001
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Robert Scoble works at Microsoft. Everything here, though, is his personal opinion and is not read or approved before it is posted. No warranties or other guarantees will be offered as to the quality of the opinions or anything else offered here.

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