July 11, 2003

MSNBC: "The Transportation Security Administration spent $6.9 million to outfit the federal air marshal corps with voice-capable wireless handheld computers for in-flight use and then subsequently banned any voice usage because of potential interference with cockpit functions, according to interviews with several air marshals."
3:25:26 PM  

A royalties plan for file sharing. William Fisher, director of Harvard's Berkman Center, says the establishment of a compulsory licensing system can break this cyberlogjam by satisfying the rights of content creators and the needs of consumers. [CNET News.com]
3:18:21 PM  

Vancouver Sun article on the Vancouver 2010 Olympics bid committee snatching up some anti-Olympic domain names. They got Adriane Carr, leader of the BC Green party, to chime in on how this is a travesty of democracy.

More domain name goodness from Wes: "What's the deal with projects like OpenOffice.org and OpenGroupware.org including ".org" in the name of the software? In addition to being confusing and needlessly verbose, it's not 1999 any more."
1:23:27 PM  


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