July 15, 2003

Mozilla lives. The Mozilla Foundation is a new, non-profit org that will serve as the home for the coordination, development, and testing of Mozilla-based browsers and applications. [Jeffrey Zeldman Presents: The Daily Report]
11:34:05 PM  

Chicago Tribune: "As the use of radio frequency identification tags nears critical mass, businesses applaud their money-saving benefits and consumer advocates worry about the potential for invasion of privacy."
3:56:19 PM  

Cam had his own experience with stupid security when he tried to open a bank account last month.
12:57:50 PM  

Bruce Schnier: "The spam problem is so bad that draconian solutions are the only workable ones right now."
11:08:07 AM  

WIRED: Masayoshi Son isn't exaggerating. His latest master plan includes nothing less than the demolition of Japan's telecom industry, and, not incidentally, the revival of his moribund company, Softbank. To get there, he's hawking next-generation, superfast, supercheap DSL to the Japanese masses."
9:15:39 AM  


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