Sunday, October 6, 2002 |
eVectors launches Radio UserLand in Italian. What's next, Dutch? :)
6:09:06 PM
My most adorable nephew Matteo sings Volare on his on kids-blog.
2:26:21 PM
Arnold Glasgow. "Make your life a mission - not an intermission."
2:03:25 PM
John Robb: "We are going to remake the world of online publishing." Amen, smoking the pipe in the lowlands!
1:09:54 PM
There's a rumble going on in search-engine land. Times like this when competitors can swoop in and grab share of developer's hearts and minds. C'mon Teoma, remember what Steve said: Developers!
12:15:52 PM
Sunday is upon us once again. I couldn't help but notice 3 of the 5 televangilists on CNBC's rented time-slots are women. All 5 broadcasts originate from the United States. The local colleagues of the cloth are all men, and tremendously broing in comparison to the flair of the media-mature imports.
It really contrasts the state of organized religion in western europe against the modernized style further west. It wouldn't hurt to up the hipness factor, which includes dress, architecture and music.
Who is the catholic church's media consultant anyway?
12:08:29 PM
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